Lydia’s eyebrows creased at the center. “So, then your mom just admitted she slept with someone else?”
I hummed and re-set the glass on the chair arm. “No. She tried to act shocked, but as soon as she saw the DNA results in print, her face drained of color and she knew her secret was out. Then, Dad started ranting and Mom threw his own affairs back in his face—”
“Wait! He’s been having an affair too?”
Nausea rolled in my belly. It made my stomach churn thinking about my parents doing this.
“Multiple,” I said hoarsely. “And not recently, I don’t think. Apparently, there have been a few over the years.”
“So, then what happened? And where’s this document?” Lydia urged.
“I forgot to get it, but I assume it’s now locked away in Dad’s safe. It was all so chaotic. It feels like a dream now. They turned on themselves until I announced that I was leaving. I’m so fucking disgusted, Lyd. Like, it literally makes me want to throw up. For him to say he never wanted kids and insinuated that he had to settle when my mom got pregnant… I don’t know who I am anymore,” I cried as a fresh wave of tears overflowed.
“Oh,baaabe!”Lydia’s arms re-wrapped around my shoulders and hugged so damn tight. “I’m so sorry you’re going through this.”
I sniffed. “Worst birthday ever, right?”
“It’s getting up there.” She pulled away. Her hazel eyes shone with raw sadness. “I really am sorry, Pen. My heart is hurting so hard for you right now.”
My chin dipped as the tears fell, and all I could do was shake my head in utter disbelief.
“Thank you for being here. You and Vivi are like my sisters—” I broke off when another sob strangled my words.
“Us girls gotta stick together. We’re here for you, no matter what.”
Her hand smoothed up and down my arm, round and round in slow, soothing motions until my breathing calmed.
“Now,” she declared. “Gimme your glass. It’s time for a top off.”
* * *
Two empty bottles sat on the coffee table by the time I’d relayed the entire nightmare to Vivi. Once again, Lydia listened intently and consoled me when needed. I shed less tears this time around. They were replaced by the anger I was missing when I first arrived. By the end of my recount, I was breathless, shaking, and fighting off a wave of anxiety.
“What the actualfuck?”Vivi exclaimed. “Seriously?What. The. Fuck!Are you going to demand answers? I sure as hell would.” She took a mouthful of wine, then pursed her lips.
I smiled; having witnessed this expression on many occasions, I knew Vivian was set to unleash hell. She made no apologies for who she was andalwaysspoke her mind.
“After I’ve had time to process, Vi. I want to get my head straight and figure out exactly what I want to know. Do I evenwantto know who my biological father is?”
Again, my stomach churned. Right now, the answer was a firm no. As for tomorrow or the next day… I couldn’t predict how I would feel then.
Vivi topped off her wine, pouring it in the same manner she careened through life: fast and recklessly.
“Girl, I’d be in there, guns blazing and cussing their housedown.”She held up her wine glass and peeled one finger off the stem to point at me. “Theyoweyou answers.”
I sighed. Exhaustion was setting in and the wine was making me sleepy.
“I know. But tonight I just want to forget today. Do you think there’s such a thing as a birthday do-over? You know, like a born-again virgin, but for twenty-firsts?”
Lydia snorted and forcefully swallowed her mouthful. “Babe, who the fuck cares if it’s not a thing? Let’s do it!”
Vivi gasped and sat forward on the futon, her back ramrod straight and her entire body primed with excitement.
“Four words:girls’. Trip. To. Vegas!Now that we’re all twenty-one, what’s stopping us?”
My eyes widened and met Lydia’s. We stared-off for a beat before the corner of her mouth twitched. Anticipation rose in my chest at the thought of escaping my shitty day and replacing it with another we’d never forget. Get wild and scandalous, because that’s what happened in Vegas.
“Shall we?” I asked, my eyes still locked on Lydia.