The solemn tone of his voice stopped my movements. I looked sideways to find his eyebrows bunched at the center and lingering guilt in his amber depths. Hurt cut through my heart, but I forced myself to swallow it down and reach for his hand.
“Come shower with me.”
A sorry smile barely touched his lips as he stepped under the streaming water. I had to set aside my jealousy and accept this moment for what it was.
Arriving in Dalton, Georgia, brought an odd sense of strain between the team. As soon as we hit the outskirts of town, our conversation became crippled. It was as if the entire town took a collective breath and held it.
Where the military funeral honored Forrest for his service, most of which was spent as a Green Beret, here in his hometown, people would honor him as Shane Matthers: son, brother, uncle, and friend.
The somber mood continued long after we settled into our hotel suites. I briefly left the room to have a quick word with the guys, and returned to find Penny sitting on the bed, flicking through the information booklet.
“We’re all gonna have a quiet night, then meet up in the morning for breakfast in the restaurant.”
“That’s a good idea. You all looked pretty jaded.”
I hummed and crawled onto the bed, wrapping my arm around her waist and burying into her hip.
“I’m exhausted, andmmm,you’re so snuggly.”
Penny snorted. “That’s because you’re burying your face into my ass cheek.”
“Exactly. Snuggly,” I murmured. “Lie down with me, Lemon Drop. I need a hug from my little spoon.”
Another scoff and a soft giggle came from above. “Since when does the big scary soldier need a hug from a little spoon?”
“Since I found you. Now, c’mere. Don’t make me beg.”
Penny wriggled out of my hold long enough to lie down and tuck herself along the length of my body.
I hummed contentedly into her hair.
This. This was exactly what I needed. Solace. Consistence when my world spun out of control. My rock and focal point, and I couldn’t help but question how I was lucky enough to still have her in my arms.
She could be in anyone else’s, but in mine was where she belonged, forever.
As for tomorrow? That could take a thousand years to get here, and I wouldn’t complain for a single second.
* * *
Band of brothers.
Brothers in arms.
Green Berets. Special Forces.
We were every one of those definitions, and so much more as we stood strong around the head of Forrest’s casket.
Physically bound together by the arms of our brothers on either side of us, Jenny, Tuck, Doughboy, Pittsy and I provided a united front as Forrest was lowered into the ground. We’d had his back during war, and we sure as fuck had his back this one last time.
Shameless tears rolled down my cheeks, and judging by the sharp sniff from Chen next to me, he was also overcome with heartache.
Forrest’s mother broke down, fell to her knees, and released a chilling wail that sent goosebumps crawling across my shoulders. The sound epitomized a mother’s grief: unworldly and tormented. Anguish so profound it carried on the wind for miles.