Page 123 of Oblivion

I didn’t know how long I laid on the floor in the middle of my apartment. Too long. My legs eventually grew numb, but my heart wasn’t given the same compassion.

I was forced to endure the pain without war-induced adrenaline bolstering my system, and because of that, this despair was absolutely brutal. Killing me slowly from the inside out while sending me insane.

When my gut threatened to revolt, I rolled to my knees and pressed my palms to the wood planking. It barely stabilized me against the spinning room. I wanted to let it take me down, but the relentless soldier in me fought against it.

Torn. So fucking torn between letting it out and keeping it all in.

Finally finding both the mental and physical strength to get my feet under me, I staggered my way through the loft in a daze.

Phone. I needed to call Chen back, but couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not yet. I even had it pressed to my ear, and fucking chickened out.

I numbly typed out a message to Jackson, telling him I needed to take a day off at short notice. I’d call him later, but first, I needed to figure out how to function, to process, and get my head around the news that fractured my world in two.



Tears stung my eyes as my call to Dante went unanswered for the third time. Rejection clenched my stomach—he’d gone from hot to cold within the space of two hours.

Cast aside and stranded, I texted Dante while biting down on my trembling lower lip.

Penny: Shit just went down with Paul. Can you call me? I really need to talk to you.

I sniffed hard and dabbed at my eyes. I knew in my heart I had to call Mom. I needed to have that long, overdue conversation with her.

Swallowing my pride was anything but easy. It was the first contact I’d initiated in six months, and my heart ached when she answered in a desperate tone.

“Penny! Hi.”

“Hi, Mom.” I paused and held my breath, begging my racing pulse to ease and my chest to relax.

Her voice immediately grew concerned. “What’s happened, hon? You sound upset.”

A sob burst free. “Iamupset. I just saw Dad. I mean Paul.”

Mom’s swallow was audible through the phone. “I see.”

I sniffed and angrily swiped at my tears. “Can I come and see you? We need to talk.”

“Of course,” she replied warily. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

My inhale shuddered. “After what I just found out, nothing would surprise me.”

“I left your father,” Mom blurted. The sadness in her voice re-broke my heart.

“I know. That’s one of the things I found out this morning.”

She paused, then inhaled a long, controlled breath. “I’m at James and Lizzie’s house. I’m staying here until I find my own place.”

That made sense. James—Paul’s brother—and Lizzie had been in my life from the day I was born. They were my loving, doting Auntie and Uncle, and our only other family living in San Diego.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a little while. I gave my Mini back, so need to find a ride. I couldn’t stand to keep it after I found out what he did to me.”

“What he…? Penelope, what do you meandidto you?” Breathless urgency lit Mom’s voice.

“Nothing like what you’re thinking. I’ll tell you about it when I get there.”

“I’ll come and get you. Where are you?”