Page 93 of Oblivion

“Have we found him?”

Jackson’s voice held an edge of humor. “It’s not about Penny. This one’s about you, Sergeant Bateman.”

My heart hit my fucking gut. “Should I be worried?”

“Nah, we’ve all done stupid shit. But I need to get you in as a matter of policy. You know how it is.”

I grunted. “What’s it about?”

“Public urination.”

“Fucking what?”The ominous feeling crept higher.

“You’re obviously drunk, and I’m assuming you’re with your Army buddies because some asshole is screamingLotusin the background.”

I locked down laughter and scrubbed a hand across my brow. “Am I in a van?”

The amusement in Jackson’s voice grew. “Youare.”



“That, uh… was the Vegas weekend.”

A snicker came through the phone. “Come in as soon as you can. I’ve got Mark arriving in this morning for our monthly meeting, so it would be good to get this dealt with before he and I get down to business.”

“Just finishing our coffee, then we’ll be right in.”


I hung up and cussed. Only Jenny filmed that, and there was nowayhe would have leaked the video to my new boss. No fucking way at all.

Penny waited for answers as soon as I stepped inside.

“What’s going on?”

“Finish your coffee, jailbait. We’re heading into work.”



Her brows pulled low. “Now?”

“Yes, Penny. Now.”

“What’s happened?”

I snatched up my wallet from the counter. “Apparently some asshole sent Jackson a video of me that was taken when I was drunk.”


“It was the Vegas weekend,” I deadpanned, and gave her a dry look.

Her lips formed a circle and her brows lifted.“Ohhhhh.”

“Yes,oh, so we’re going to chug these back and head in. And you’re coming with,” I needlessly added. “What vehicle are we going in?”