My pulse kicked. “Of course.”
A heavy sigh deflated his lungs as he came to my desk and stood awkwardly in front of me. “I can’t leave us like this.”
Tightness squeezed in my throat. “Neither. I hate when we fight.”
“Seems we’ve been doing a bit of that lately.”
I hummed and looked up at him. “I’m really sorry, Tian. I’m sorry you got punched, I’m sorry we’re arguing, and I’m sorry for letting my personal life affect our firm.”
“I’m sorry I got punched too,” he joked—too soon.
His expression softened. “Being serious now, Gree, I’m sorry you got hurt; your bodyandyour heart.”
I dipped my eyes. “Thanks.” It was crushing that Raf wasn’t answering my calls. “I think I’m going to call it a night.”
“Early for you,” he murmured.
“I’m exhausted.”
It wasn’t a lie. I could run on the barest of sleep, however the events of the past few days had depleted the last of my energy reserves.
“I’ll sort Jethro for you,” Tian announced, though didn’t move aside from looking toward the door. “Roxiee. Have Jethro waiting and ready to go in five minutes, please.”
I scoffed. “I could have donethat!Thanks, Rox,” I called.
She pursed her lips and dipped her head to the side at Christian, as if to say,Really?
I rolled my eyes. Typical Tian, being his moronic alpha self just to prove a non-existent point.
“Christian?” I waited until his expectant gaze found mine. “I need you to know that our firm, thatyou,mean the world to me. I can’t stand that it feels so unstable at the moment.”
The insecurity was real.
“Babe,” Tian murmured and gestured for me to stand. I met him in front of my desk and placed my hands within his. “Sure, it’s a little rough right now, but you and I don’t go down easy. We’re fighters. That’s how we becameLandon-Michaels PR.And most importantly, we’re loyal friends. I’m not going to hold what happened against you, Gree, and I ask that you give me the same grace. I stand by you and your decisions, but I won’t stand by and let either of us be pushed around. I won’t apologize for sticking up for you.”
I flicked my gaze back and forth between his, knowing that he spoke truthfully.
“Thank you for sticking up for me. I appreciate it, I just wish it had been under different circumstances.”
Within a beat, Tian’s concern faded to open affection and he gathered me into his arms.
“Same, babe. Maybe take a little time before you come in tomorrow?”
I met his eyes in silence for a long moment before eventually nodding. “We’ll see.”
While the cracks in our foundations hadn’t completely smoothed over, I could leave the office tonight knowing that Tian and I would be alright. Give it a few days for our swelling and cuts to heal, and we’d be back to our usual selves—I was sure of it.
Tian dropped a kiss on my forehead and then stepped back. “Sleep well.”
“You, too.”
“May we both look more presentable tomorrow.”
I snorted and nodded at the bruising beginning to color his cheekbone. “Here’s hoping. You might need some concealer for that.”
“I’ll ask you or Rox tomorrow if that’s the case.”