He shook his head and reached across to squeeze my hand. “Never be sorry for speaking your truth. It’s part of what I admire about you.”
“Youadmire me?”I laughed lightly.
“What else do you admire about me, then?”
Raf chuckled. “Now you’re just fishing for compliments, Boss Lady.”
I giggled under my breath and held onto the edge of the seat as we wove through the streets.
“So, since you’ve basically kidnapped me, where are we going?”
“We’re going driving, of course,” he replied happily, dancing a hand through the air to indicate that it should be obvious.
My pulse spiked. “Are we goingracing?”
Rafael did a double-take in my direction, then his face split into a wide, perfect-toothed, grin. “So, thereisa little rebel in there, huh?” He laughed loudly when I playfully slugged his arm.
“You havenoidea,” I retorted with attitude.
His heated gaze raked up and down my entire body in between fleeting glances at the street ahead. “Oh, I think I do, baby girl.”
I squirmed under the building temptation. Impulsive thoughts crashed through my mind, all of which involved giving into the buzz of tonight, the darkened night around us, and the lust-laden lure that Rafael so effortlessly exuded.
He seemed unaffected by whatever it was between us, so I tried to push the illicit ideas to the side while looking out of the passenger window.
His voice eventually cut through the silence. “You’re curious, aren’t you?”
I whipped my head around. “About?”
Another half-cocked smile created a fresh wave of heat between my legs. “About racing. Why? What were you thinking I meant?”
I coughed a little. “Racing, of course.”
“Ah huh, and that’s why you’ve got bedroom eyes on right now?” he drawled.
Embarrassment roared through me. “Okay, it seems that you abducted me just to ridicule me. Take me home,” I demanded.
The irritated outburst helped to hide my discomposure. Rafael had me completely out of my depth from the moment I met him, and tonight was emphasizing it.
“Oh, you don’t mean that, mamacita. We’re just about to get to the fun part.”
I became suddenly apprehensive. “Which is?”
His eyes shone with excitement under the streetlights as we headed for the freeway. “Driving fast. You wanna see what this Porsche can do?”
“You may as well put your money where your mouth is, slick, because so far all I’ve got from you is talk.”
My body was propelled forward from the force of Raf breaking hard, then pinned back against the seat by his outstretched arm as he swerved to the curb.
“What the hell?” I yelled, panting heavily to catch my breath after the unexpected adrenaline rush.
His usual dark-brown eyes were almost black and wild. “You’ve got a way of provoking me, Greer. It’s a dangerous game you’re playing.”
I swallowed thickly and forced a smile. It wavered thanks to the intensity of Rafael’s expression and imposing body language.
“I thought you liked games?”