“Despite it being years since we raced together, I know you, Raf. You won’t be able to stay away. And I know the thought of some punk-ass kid being better than you on the circuit fuels your fire. It’s only a matter of time.”
I grunted. It was true. The moment Arlo proved himself, I felt my age, and I fuckinghatedit.
“Fuck you.”
Colton burst out a laugh. “Fuckyou.So, it’s official, then? You’re pussying out and legit giving me your notice?”
“I’m giving you my notice, man.”
The confirmation sounded as dejected as I felt. It killed me that I was letting him down. Letting the kids down who had potential for a bright future in Indy. It was at that moment I vowed to find a way to help Colton with the foundation while not being directly involved.
“I’ll see you at the track, yeah?” Colt asked.
With Arlo’s first season almost upon us, Colton and his team were working their asses off to get him ready.
“Yeah, brother, you will.”
“Now go sort your shit out with Greer. I’m sick of hearing your whiny ass complain.”
“I wasn’t fucking complai-”
Colton’s sadistic laughter cut through my retort, then the call disconnected.
“Motherfucker,” I hissed, and tossed my phone onto the bed.
The clock read eleven. I was already an hour late for checkout and would no doubt have an extra fee to pay because of it. Reaching the lobby and settling my account, I walked out of that resort two and a half grand poorer, sporting a killer headache as anI hope you enjoyed your stay,and without my fucking underwear.
Back on the 101 heading south back to L.A., I counted down the miles until I finally pulled up to the closed gates of my driveway, two-and-a-half hours later. I fought the urge to fall into bed and sleep the afternoon away, opting to pull on a fresh change of clothing, down the maximum dose of painkillers, and knock back a coffee before heading out again.
Today wasn’t my usual visiting day, but I needed to see Mamá. She had been the backbone of our family even after the spinal cord within had been severed, and I couldn't ignore the overwhelming urge to visit her.
After many years of having anger rise after visiting her, the light in her eyes alone when I stepped into the room was enough to remind me that no matter how dark and out of control the external world was, it was the things we normally took for granted that mattered the most.
“Hi, Felicia.” I wearily smiled as I entered the air-conditioned reception at Summerset Care Home.
Her face lifted in surprise. “Hi, Raf. It’s not your usual visiting day.”
I shrugged and filled in the visitor’s sheet. “What mamá wouldn’t want to see me unexpectedly?”
Felicia tittered and waved a hand. “Oh, stop. Your mom is a popular woman today.”
I narrowed my eyes on her. “Who else has visited?” I refused to believe it was my sister. Her visits were few and far between; that disappointed Mamá, and in turn, disappointed me.
“A gorgeous woman called Greer,” Felicia gushed, and completely missed the way I jerked as my legs almost gave out.
“Greer?Not Greer Landon?” My heart hammered so badly I could hardly speak.
“That’s the one. You know her?”
I swallowed thickly. “You could say that. Maybe I’ll come back another time…”
“No, no, don’t be silly. Besides, now that you’re here, you can’t leave without saying hi to your mom.”
Fuck, she had me there. Nodding and forcing my body to move, I numbly walked through the corridors until I reached my mamá’s room. Soft murmurs came from behind the closed door. Greer’s. So sweet and gentle. So soothing.
I opened the door as quietly as I could, and no matter what I thought I’d find, nothing could have prepared me for the emotional punch to my chest.
Greer sat with her back to me, reading with a passion that immediately drew me into the story. Mamá sat opposite her with her head tilted back and lips parted in a peaceful sleep. My heart swelled a thousand times over, and I hadn’t known that love could feel so heavy yet uplifting all at once.