Page 31 of Boost

“Jock better hurry the fuck up. This place makes me twitchy as fuck.”

I chuckled. “That’s because you’rehighas fuck.”

“Damn straight I’m high,” he exclaimed.

“Just fucking relax. You’re gonna end up setting everyone off. The last thing we need is a brawl while locked in here. No guard is gonna break that shit up.” I reclined and tried to get comfortable, settling in for the long-haul.

More muttering came from my left, then Shades voiced another of my concerns.

“My car better not be impounded, man. I ain’t got time to orienteer all over this goddamn city like some kid looking for candy. This ain’t no jamboree, Raf!”

I smirked while dozing with one eye open. “As if you wouldn’t though.”

“You fucking know I would.” He turned to me suddenly and growled, “You don’t think we’ve got an undercover on the streets, do you? Like, some Fast and the Furious shit?”

I burst out a laugh. “And who do you think it is? Arlo?” I snorted humorously, but Shades’ expression remained pinched.

“Well, he did get away.”

He gauged my reaction closely, no doubt seeing the prickle of suspicion cross my face as his words created questions of distrust.

“Exactly,” he stated. “Watch that one, Raf.”

I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t like my decisions being questioned, Shades.”

“I know that. But I’ve got your back, no matter if you want to hear what I have to say or not.”

Pursing my lips, I exhaled sharply through my nose and tried to shake off the accusation. Sure, the kid had injected himself into our world like he thought he was entitled to it, but surely I hadn’t been fooled that easily.

“I’ll do some digging on him,” I murmured.

I was, after all, about to put him in contact with Colton. I just hoped my instinct wouldn’t fail me now.

Chapter 14


Hours later, piercing green eyes barely visible from under a baseball cap arrived at my cell, and a lop-sided smirk accompanied his snigger. “Good night?”

“The fuck kind of question is that?” I snapped at Colt, who seemed to draw energy from my predicament.

He laughed out loud while the guard opened the door and let me out. Neither of us said a word until after I was processed and out on the street.

“So, you gonna tell me what the fuck went down?”

“Sure, after a coffee.” I sniggered when I spotted his F12 parked at the curb. “Bit early for sex after lockdown, isn’t it?”

“For you, fuckin’ A. I should have hired a minivan to pick your ass up.”

I flipped him off and slid into the passenger seat as he rounded the hood.

“So, good news, bad news,” I drawled, when he slid behind the wheel.

Colt looked over his shoulder and pulled into the street. “Hit me with the bad first.”

“I got arrested.”

His loud bark of loud laughter filled the car. “No fucking shit! And the good news?”