Page 29 of Boost

I almost,almost,cracked out a laugh; ask anyone in the city and they would say there was no way they would mistake Shady Sam’s lard ass for a cop’s.

However, the shout was enough to plant a seed of doubt in the officers’ minds. The two seconds of hesitation bought us enough time to divert the officers separate ways, gifting Arlo with a clear getaway through the center—up and over the roof of their patrol car.

“Fuckingrun,”I roared, when I saw him look back to see where Shades and I were.

Indecision cut across his face, illuminated by the streetlights. An impact to the back of my legs took me to the ground.

“You’d better get your ass running, kid,” I bellowed, seeing under the car that his feet were still planted.

It only took another second before they turned and ran, exactly like I’d told him to do.

“All good, brother?”

I twisted my head the other way—an effort considering a cop knelt between my shoulder blades—and found Shades’ grinning like a mad-man.

I smirked. “Ride or die, brother.”

“Ride or die,” he repeated, almost in satisfaction as cuffs were snapped around his wrists.

Cold metal encircled my wrists as Shades got hauled to his feet, and my captors certainly didn’t give me the courtesy of helping me to mine. I stumbled when they shoved me toward the patrol car, and my shoulder bore the brunt of the impact.

Hands were on me immediately, searching my pockets and patting down my torso. I gritted my teeth against the burst of pain in my shoulder as well as a fresh wave of anger when my roll of freshly-won money was thrust in my face.

“This ain’t yours, is it?”

“It sure as fuck ain’t yours,” I spat, fighting within the officer’s hold when he tossed the thirty-grand to this partner.

“Ours now.”

“Fucking thieves,” I yelled. “That’s my fucking money!”

The officer pinning me against the car laughed close to my ear. “Money? What money?”

“Dunno man, I don’t know shit about the money he’s talking about,” came his partner’s reply.

“Fuck you!” I struggled and fought until finally being muscled into the backseat.

Red-hot throbbing radiated from my shoulder joint as I twisted to look out of the rear window. A jacked-up snigger broke free while I watched Shades make the officers work for their money; finally shoving him unceremoniously head first into the back seat of their patrol car.

I lost balance as we took off. With my hands awkwardly trapped behind me, I tried to brace against the movement while keeping weight off them.

The officer in the passenger seat glared sideways at me. “You're gonna be seeing a lot of your friends tonight. Hope you’re not claustrophobic, ‘coz things are gonna get cozy in the cells.”

I leaned forward and curled my lip, leering and not so much as blinking until he glanced away.

“Thief,” I whispered.

When fear showed in his eyes, a smirk formed across my mouth. “Karma’s coming for you, asshole, and I’m gonna be the first cheering it on.”

The car jerked from side to side, and the cop driving roared, “Sit the fuck back and shut up!”

After a final hiss through my teeth, I sat back as best I could and stared out of the window. Fuck them, and fuck my luck. At least Arlo had managed to keep his ass clean tonight. But me… This was publicity we didn’t need. Boss Lady was going to have my ass over this, not to mention Colton.

After being booked, I sat at the far end of the cell with my back against the cold brick wall. It didn’t take long before Shades’ booming voice echoed down the corridor, making me chuckle under my breath.

“I’m innocent,innocent,I tell ya. I may be a black man, but I ain’t no guilty man.”

The guard opened the cell door and quickly shoved him inside.