Page 12 of Boost

One dark eyebrow arched as the woman pursed her lips and gave me a look that would turn most men to ashes. “You notice these things, do you?”

I leaned closer and lowered my voice until it was barely audible over the thumping bass. “When it comes to a woman as fine as you, yeah, I notice.”

Much to my delight, an involuntary shiver ran through her body. Despite failing to hide the reaction, she rolled her eyes and laughed.

“Real smooth.” She then cast her look sideways at her friend. “Don’t you think?”

Her friend brazenly eyed me up and down with her long-lashed gaze. “If you say so.”

I smirked and inched closer, my advance only stopping when the mamacita pressed a hand to my chest and took a small step back. The warmth of her palm seared through my t-shirt and booted my pulse up a gear.

The smile on her shiny red lips grew as if she could feel the kick. “Nervous?”

Snagging her fingers and holding tight when she tried to pull them from my grasp, I angled in such a way that my leg brushed hers. Her sharp inhale was music to my ears.

Sniggering close to her ear, I watched hungrily as goosebumps spread down her exposed arms.

“I never get nervous, baby girl.”

Much to my surprise, she met my gaze and held it. “Back down, slick, I’m not interested.”

Taking a pace away and tipping my head to study her down my nose, I gave her a smoulder that created desire in her eyes. The kind that tinted them multiple shades darker.

“At least tell me one thing; what’s your name?” I asked, with another lick of my lower lip.

Witnessing her pop a savage stance did dirty things to my libido. “That would be none of your business.”

My blood burned hotter, and I reclaimed the distance by easily stepping through the barrier created by her arm. I had to ball my fists to stop myself from gripping her waist and pulling her hips to mine. Seductive perfume rose to meet my inhale as I ran my nose along her jawline.

“It’s entirely my business when you’ve stepped into my world unannounced.”

Her inhale snagged. Her cheeks heated. And when her eyes met mine again, they held desire that had me swallowing thickly.

“And you are?” she asked, dropping her gaze to my mouth.

I crooked a lip and smirked, playing her little game. “The man taking you home after I’ve won this race.”

Her laughter wove around us and her hand briefly touched down on my forearm. The fleeting contact sent sparks spurring through me. That one touch would never be enough.

She started backing away. “You don’t get it both ways, slick.”

“You’re wrong, mamacita. Ialwaysdo.”

Dark, glossy hair danced around her brown shoulders when she shook her head. “Not tonight, you don’t. Good luck with the race.”

That smile of hers was impossible to walk away from; I didn’t know what she was doing to me, but fuck, I wanted more.

“With skills like mine, I don’t need luck, baby girl,” I called.

The only thing that tore my attention away from the dark-haired honey was Shady Sam yelling through a megaphone.

“Raf, where the fuck you at, brother? Race starts in one whether you here or not, man.”

Rolling my shoulders to try and get my head back in the game, I drank in one last look of my latest craving, then pushed my way through the crowd to the starting line.

Shades shook his head as I slid behind the wheel. “Do I need to have a word to Teq and Stevie about distracting my main man?”

“It wasn’t them,” I called, grinning my ass off while the mystery mamacita taunted my memory.