“Shall we continue?” I asked, picking up the book and grinning.
“Luuuuuv t-t-thaat.”
I took a deep breath, and with one final glance at my beautiful new friend, I pulled us back into the enchanting world of knights and forbidden love.
Dechen came and helped Raf’s mom drink and eat while I read on, completely entranced by the book despite starting it more than halfway through. In-between chapters, I took sips of coffee, re-moistening my mouth enough to carry us through to the next quick pause.
I was so caught up in the book that when the door quietly opened and closed again, I continued reading without stopping, assuming it was Dechen back to check on our progress.
The moment the hushed rasp of a familiar voice wove through the room, my heart dropped and the story dried on my tongue.
“Mamá’s asleep.”
I failed to contain my gasp and whipped around in my chair to find Raf leaning against the wall with his hands shoved deep into the front pockets of his black jeans. Flashing dark eyes pierced into mine while his lips pursed, seemingly biting back words.
“How long have you been-”
“Just arrived, mamacita. How long haveyoubeen here?” he asked while watching his sleeping mom.
“I don’t know. I arrived mid-morning.”
Raf’s eyes flared wide and cut to me. “You’ve been here all day?” His voice almost held accusation.
“I’m sorry if I’ve overstepped-”
He cut off my whisper with an impatienttsk. “Never apologize for taking care of my mamá.”
The way he called herMamámade warmth bloom under my ribs. The fierce love he had for his mom was evident, and I watched in awe as he silently laid a soft kiss on her cheek without disturbing her slumber.
“She’s beautiful,” I murmured.
“She is.”
I flicked back a couple of chapters and inserted the bookmark for next time, then set the book aside. Raf’s scowl deepened as he tracked my movements.
“She chosethatbook for you to read?”
Plucking up my bag, I stood and slung it over my shoulder. “Yes. I went to read her another, but she wanted that one.”
Creases of confusion etched between his brows. “That’s the oneIread to her. No one else, just me.”
Raf’s soft-toned statement stopped me in my tracks, and I whispered a curse under my breath. I couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or shocked.
I shrugged. “It was what she wanted.”
He scowled and shook his head without replying and then pressed the call button on the wall. Dechen promptly arrived and helped him get Vega into bed without disturbing her too much.
After murmuring what sounded like a promise in Spanish, Raf kissed his mom on the cheek again, thanked Dechen for her help, then gave me a cold glare as he strode past.
Out in the corridor, I hurried on my stilettos to catch up to him, and yanked his arm.
“That’s it? You drop in where I least expect to see you, then walk out five minutes later as if I mean nothing to you?”
He spun on his heel and I pulled up short. Anger darkened his already tight expression and clenched jaw. “What are you doing here, Greer?”
I straightened my spine and met him head on. “I initially came here to see if she knew where to find you, since you’ve been intentionally ghosting me.”
“This is no place for you.”