With a semi-forced smile, he gave me one last long look before striding from my office. I caught the hand he ran over his face just before he was out of view. It meant that while he was confident on the outside, he was just as cut up about today as I was.
On a heavy sigh, I gathered my belongings and headed for the elevator. The click of my stilettos echoed off the empty walls.
I closed my eyes during the ride down, blocking out and trying to forget the chaos of the last few days. Unable to completely shut off, my brain spun and fought for the answers that remained out of reach along with Rafael.
Jethro was waiting for me in our corporate parking zone out front, and he opened the back door as soon as I emerged from the building. His warm smile immediately settled some of my unease.
“You look beat, Miss Landon.”
“Jethro, please,” I admonished him halfheartedly.
He let out a deep chuckle while guiding me into the backseat without actually touching my lower back.
“Straight home?”
I adjusted my skirt once settled and cocked my head in thought. “Actually, food first, but not home. I’ll give you the address.”
He lifted his eyebrows with curiosity. “As you wish.”
The door closed with a heavythunk, and Jethro rounded the hood of my company car. He slid into the driver’s seat with practiced grace and signaled to pull onto the street.
“So, what would you like to eat tonight?”
I finished reapplying my lipstick and rubbed my lips together. “Uh, I’m not really sure. You’re a guy; what do guys like best?”
I’d anticipated his surprise and was already looking in the rear-vision mirror when his eyes briefly met mine. He flicked his attention between me and the car in front.
“What kind of takeout are we talkin’ here?”
“Not nasty fast food. A little more… nice.”
A chuckle, then one word came from the driver’s seat. “Italian.”
“Lead the way, Jethro. I’m assuming you know a place?”
“Sure do. It’s a family favorite.”
We lapsed into a comfortable silence as he drove me through the streets of downtown L.A. Once collecting an order large enough for a massive family, I gave him Raf’s address, then took out enough food for two, leaving the rest in the bag for Jethro and his family.
A chill crept up my spine when we pulled up at the closed gates at Rafael’s property. He didn’t appear to be home, and my trepidation increased ten-fold as I unbuckled.
“Go home and enjoy the evening with your family, Jethro. Dinner is on me.”
He twisted in his seat in surprise. “I can’t accept that, Miss Landon.”
“You can, and you will. My treat. Make sure you say hi to Shanna and the kids for me.”
“You know I will.” He diverted his attention from me to Raf’s house. “You want me to wait around? Just in case?”
I stopped him with a light hand on his shoulder when he went to exit and get my door.
“Not at all.” I slid out of the car and reached back in for two takeout containers. “You’ve been more than amazing, as always. Goodnight, Jethro.”
He flashed his grin. “Goodnight, Miss Landon.”
I gave a wry little smile before shutting the door and turning toward the double-story house that sat silent beyond the iron gates. Behind me, my car pulled away from the curb and purred down the street.
I held my breath and keyed in the pin-code. It was weird walking onto Rafael’s property alone and not knowing what I would find. While holding out hope that I was doing the right thing, the ominous feeling in the pit of my stomach increased with every unanswered knock I laid on the front door.