Page 10 of Boost

The lop-sided smile re-appeared. It was the kind of grin that would have women falling at his feet whether he was married to Rylee or not.

“He does, but no names yet. Don’t want you Googling him and getting the wrong impression before we even get off the ground,” he said flatly.

Setting the laptop on the low-table between us, I straightened my spine.

“Look, Colton, I need to know who I’m getting into bed with—professionally speaking—so, the more information you give me now, the easier my job will be. And besides, if you’re not willing to disclose his name, then maybe he isn’t the type of guy you should be bringing onboard. There’s nothing more of a PR nightmare than a rogue who does as he pleases.”

Colton snorts. “Are you referring to me, or my guy?”

“Currently? I’m referring to both,” I replied wryly.

Leaning over and casually grabbing one of the bottled waters, Colton twisted off the top and took a quick, open-mouthed drink. Only after he placed the bottle back on the table, did he pin me to the spot with an intense stare.

“I suggest you go to the next meet and get a feel for the atmosphere, Greer. It will help you understand what I mean.”

“Next meet?”

I hedged when he slid a single leaf of paper across the table. Plucking it up, I saw a date, time and location, nothing more.

“What’s this?”

“Details of the next street race.”

I pursed my lips, not entirely convinced with his suggestion and not happy that he’d thrown me off my game. Sure, Colton knew his shit, but that wasmilesout of my comfort zone. I liked to stay firmly planted onthisside of the law.

“Is that really necessary?”

Colton upturned his palms. “The only way to understand that world is to experience it first-hand.”

Standing without notice, I paced to the window and folded my arms. Not turning away from the other high-rise office buildings on the neighboring blocks, the question that slipped from my lips showed more naivety than I was proud of.

“Say, hypothetically, if I did this, what does one wear to these ‘events’?”

A long, low chuckle rolled from behind me. “Wear what you’d wear to any high-end club, then remove two items.”

I gasped and effortlessly spun on my stilettos. “You can’t be serious!”

A glint entered his eyes. “I am. But don’t say I didn’t warn you, Greer.”

Pursing my lips and keeping my arms firmly folded, I studied his expression as closely as I could to try and read him. It was near impossible. I’d heard of Colton, and just as the rumors had preceded him, he was proving to drive a hard bargain. He set the pace early on, and I intended to match it.

“I’m not going by myself,” I warned. “And I expect a meeting with your guy within the same week so I can interview him and find out what I’ve got to work with.”

Colton snorted—his arrogance showing through as he stood and deftly re-buttoned his suit jacket. “Find out what dirt he has, you mean?”

I tilted my chin and squared my shoulders. “That’s exactly what I mean. You shouldn’t be surprised.”

“Oh, I’m not. In fact, I’m impressed.” He extended his hand, and I slid mine into his to shake on our business deal.

“And now we’re back on the same page.”

A smirk formed on Colton’s mouth. “I’ll have my office email you about the meeting.”

“No need; Roxiee will sort that out. You’ll be hearing from us as soon as she’s checked my schedule.”

I followed Colton and his cocky laugh to the office door. “Dream team,” he teased, with a quick point between me and Roxiee.

“And don’t you forget it, Mr. Donavan,” I called to his departing back.