Page 49 of Feral

“Do ya have that gun?” I asked.

“Yes,” she took it out of her tote.

“Anyone comes in here, ya use it, understand?”

“Where are you going?”

“To see what it is and keep it away from ya.”

“Be careful.”

Just before I opened the door, I glanced back to see her sitting there, eyes wide with worry. For me.

“Stay put,” my voice was rough, and I had to fight the urge to kiss her before I ran out of the compartment.

Chapter Eleven


Istarteddownthehallway when the lights went out and more screams erupted ahead of me. Someone was going through the first class cabins, looking for someone.

It’s us, I just know it is.

I wanted to shed my glamour and let my true form out so I wouldn’t be expelling even a little energy keeping it up. But I also didn’t want to start a panic, so I kept it in place.

Just as I reached the third cabin from ours, someone in a balaclava ran out of the door and right into me. They took a swing with an electrified baton and I caught their wrist. On their pinky was a ring with the Campbell clan crest. The moment my mind recognized it, I nearly let go. What the hell was Campbell doing? The man was recovering from the shock of having a passenger fight back so I had to act fast. I punched him square in the face and he went down, a sign that he was a Mundane. If they were all Mundane this would be easy.

Another barged out of a different cabin and managed to get in a blow to my back with the baton. I winced at the electric shock and seized the person’s throat. This one, however, wasn’t so easily subdued. They batted my hand away and I managed to take the balaclava with me. I caught a glimpse of mottled gray-green skin and black lips, before his glamour slipped into place, and growled.

Goblin, the professional hit men of the supernatural world.

And the one supernatural species that Campbell wouldn’t be caught dead working with. This didn’t make any sense.

There was no time to unravel this mystery though. If there were more of them, this was going to get tricky. Goblins were tough little bastards and one of the only fights I ever lost was because of their extremely high tolerance for pain.

“We just want the girl,” he said. “We have no beef with clan MacDonald.”

If he thought that was going to calm me down, he badly miscalculated.

The glamour slipped enough for him to see my yellow eyes and the sharp teeth I bared at him just before I took him by the throat again. I lifted him up, squeezing tighter and tighter, before slamming him into the wall.

“That’s my mate yer talkin’ about!” my voice had gone unnaturally deep.

If this piece of shit laid one finger on my Daphne…

“Sorry,” he gasped, clawing at my hands, “but we…have orders.”

“From who? Who sent you?”

He shook his head, at least, what little he could with me holding his neck in a death grip.

“Tell me!” I roared in his face.

He tried to peel my fingers away but I tightened my grip. At this rate, I’d kill the poor bastard before he told me anything.

That’s when I heard Daphne scream from our cabin. My heart leapt into my throat and fear sank its teeth into my brain. The glamour slipped completely and I couldn’t care less. She was in danger. My mate needed me.

I tossed the Goblin to the side like a discarded toy, where he landed with a thud, as I tore off in the direction of Daphne’s screams.