Her smile returned and she took a bite of her sandwich. A second later she groaned and closed her eyes. Goddess help me, but the blood rushed to my cock at the sound and I was suddenly jealous of a stupid sandwich; it had the privilege of making that sound come out of her mouth.
“Oh my god,” she said, and then her eyes flew open in shock and she blushed even deeper. “I’m sorry, it’s just…I was very hungry and this is a really good sandwich.”
To cover up the fact that I was about to growl at her, I shoved some of the sandwich into my mouth and had to agree. It was damn fine.
“What do ya want to know?” I asked around a mouthful.
“You said you had brothers, what are their names?”
“Angus is the first born and clan leader.”
“The one getting married, or was? Is it still on?”
“The Campbells haven’t officially taken back the offer, so technically, he is still engaged. Then me, Samuel, and then the twins Liam and Lowell.”
“Five of you?”
“Aye. Weres have big families as a general rule. My dad had six brothers and they all had large families too. I think I have…well, close to forty cousins.”
She coughed on a chip.
“First cousins?”
“Aye. But don’t worry, no one will expect you to know everyone’s names.”
“I should at least know your brothers,” she took a notebook and pen out, scribbling furiously.
I plucked the pen out of her hand and was oddly delighted to see the spark of indignation in her eyes.
“What do you—?”
“No notes, lass. I explained to Angus today that we had a kind of whirlwind matin’. He won’t be expectin’ ya to know everyone’s names.”
“Well, that was quick thinking. Now can I please have my pen back?”
There was something in her tone, as if I’d taken her favorite doll. And, childish as it was, I didn’t want to give it back just yet. So I held the pen just out of her reach as she grabbed for it.
“Listen here wolf, that is one of my favorite pens, you give that back.”
If she didn’t have that spark of playfulness in her voice, I would have. But instead, I kept plucking it out of reach until she finally leaned over the table, seized my wrist and took it back.
I let out a long chuckle while she gave me the side eye and tried not to smile.
“Now, if you can refrain from playground antics,” she said, giving me a school marm look.
Only the problem was, I had never, ever had a teacher whose look of disapproval made me want to clear the table and do unspeakable things to her on the surface. I’d never been one for much flirting, much less the kind that was cloaked in annoying the other person. But if Daphne’s reactions kept being so damn adorable I might have to develop a talent for it.
“My apologies, Ms. Reynolds.”
“Oh, that raises an interesting question. Should I have taken your name or kept my own?”
I halted mid chew as the thought of her having my name lanced through me in a possessive rush.
“It’s so new,” I replied slow so I could control my primal side, “I think we don’t need to worry about it.”
She nodded.
“So, then tell me about the clan, about your family. What are they like? What are some of the manners I should know? I don’t want to make a severe misstep.”