“I understand, and I apologize for assuming as I did. How would you like to proceed? Even though this is a ruse, I want you to be as comfortable as possible.”
I couldn’t help a chuckle.
“I’m not getting’ nipped, lass. Where wouldyoube comfortable?”
“Well…if it needs to be private then I suppose my apartment?”
“Alright then, tonight at seven,” I replied and began to walk toward the door.
I had to get out of here before I became an even bigger eejit.
She took a deep breath and gave me a smile that was attempting confidence.
“Wonderful. I shall do some research into possible artifacts in the meantime. When are we to leave for your clan?”
“Tomorrow. But I’ll have to get another train ticket.”
I took a step when her voice stopped me.
“I’ve never been to Scotland. Where are we going?”
I tried to leave again.
“Oh, there are some wonderful old estates around Dublin,” her voice was animated, filled with excitement. “Some of them are from before Culloden. But, I suppose we aren’t going sightseeing. Though it’s possible one of your clan picked up something from the surrounding hills…hmmm…that would be something to look into. Perhaps I will see the historical places after all!”
My feet froze to the ground as images of her at our clan’s country estate rose up in my mind, so clear I could almost feel it. Her face illuminated by the moon, her back against the garden wall as I tore her thin night dress with a single claw right down the middle…
Och, I can’t be thinking such things about the lass. She’s there to do a job, not wet my cock.
“Can I go now?” I snapped.
Daphne’s eyes widened as she stared at me.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m blathering on. Yes, of course. I’ll see you at seven. Do you need the address?”
I was already stabbing the elevator button with my finger.
“Text it to me.”
I didn’t even turn around. I had to get away from her, get some fresh air and try to ignore all the ways she was affecting me.
Chapter Five
IwatchedFraserMacDonaldflee the office like the hounds of hell were chasing him. He’d been gruff to the point of rude and angry throughout the meeting and it was only at the end that I saw any softening from him at all. But even that had been strange and confusing.
I could still feel the warm brush of his fingers against my jaw. It had sent tingles down my body and I wondered if he could sense the way my core heated, the rush of adrenaline stimulating my mind with lurid pictures of us.
He’d been wearing his human glamour the entire meeting, so I had no idea what he actually looked like but I imagined he was probably quite tall and broad considering how his glamour had appeared. Over slightly tanned skin, six feet tall, built like a tank and with a trimmed beard that made him look positively wild. Then there was the chest hair peeking out from under his button down and the generous sprinkling of it over his forearms, which had been on full display from his rolled up sleeves. His thick thighs had strained the fabric of his dark jeans and the ass that I’d spied as he walked away…Dear god!
Beautiful as he was with his glamour on, I couldn’t help picturing his true form.
I wonder what his actual hair would feel like. Is it coarse or soft? Is his snout long or short? And is he really that warm all the time or did it have something to do with the thermostat in here because honestly, I’m a bit overheated myself. Good lord, I need to think of something else.
I hoped that I looked more at ease than I felt because at that moment, my stomach was home to about a thousand butterflies and I was sure that my face was flushed as if I’d been running. I kept running my hand down the front of my skirt and trying to think of anything except how horrified he’d been at the thought of giving me the mating bite.