Page 40 of Feral

I walked into my living room, which had suddenly become an Archive supply show room in the short time I’d been in the kitchen. There were devices laid out on my coffee table, half of which looked like they belonged in some kind of fantasy novel. Artifacts were laid out in transparent neutralizer boxes on my couch. And now Sprite was holding up a couple of different—

“A bustier?” I squeaked. “I-I don’t need lingerie.”

Sprite’s dark eyes surveyed my body and I got the distinct impression that they knew my exact size just from that once over.

“It’s bullet proof,” Sprite said.

“I don’t think I’ll be getting shot at.”

“You never know,” they handed me a black one, as well as one in a Caucasian flesh tone. “These should fit but try them on anyway.”

I clutched the beautiful and functional underwear and stared open mouthed at them.

“Go on, I haven’t got all day.”

“Geez Sprite, it’s her first mission, go easy.”

Sprite put their hands on their hips and glared at Marcus.

“You remember the last agent we went easy on?”

Marcus’ expression softened and he put his hand on their shoulder.

“That wasn’t your fault.”

Sprite shrugged him off.

“I ignored my gut and they were killed.”

Marcus sighed and glanced at me.

“It’s been a rough week.”

“A lot of that going around,” I said and looked at Sprite. “I’m sorry about the other agent.”

Sprite wiped a tear from their cheek and nodded.

“Trust me, when my gut says you need something, you need it,” they said. “So come with me and we’ll fit you for this.”

“Um,” my stomach dropped as I realized that they’d see me naked from the waist up.

Sprite sighed and headed toward my bedroom, with me following.

“I’ve seen every kind of body known to Mundane and supernatural. I once fitted a thong for a Basilisk woman, most beautiful tail I’d ever seen. But if you’re uncomfortable, I can turn around while you put it on.”

I desperately wanted to ask about the Basilisk but I refrained since this was business and Sprite did not strike me as someone who would be in to gossip. I took a deep breath and lifted my sleep shirt above my head, baring me in the chilly air of my bedroom. Sprite frowned and took a few measurements, then pressed on a few concealed buttons on the black bustier. I heard the fabric rustle as the lingerie began to change shape before my eyes.

“Oh my, that is fascinating!” I gasped.

“Yeah, it’s spell cloth combined with some fancy nanotech. The new director is letting our design and research team finally get back to helping agents instead of…well, never mind. The only drawback is we can’t sell any of this to the Mundane markets. Real shame if you ask me”

The lingerie fit as if it had been made for me. Not only did it tuck and smooth my torso, but it lifted my breasts perfectly. I looked like one of the plus sized underwear models I’d seen at a fashion show my cousin had dragged me to last year. Or at least, as close as I’d ever get to that.

“It’s not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be,” I marveled.

“They’re only uncomfortable if they’re aren’t fitted correctly. The way the spell cloth and nanotech talk to one another means that it can take your measurements just by being close to you and then it alters its shape to fit.”

“That explains the places you were pressing on?”