“Angelica?” Trey whispered. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m tired.”
He gave me a slow nod.
“You know, if we are going to be working together like this, we should get to know one another. Become friends.”
“Because friends work together better. And I think you could use one.”
The last part was devoid of any flirtation, anything coy. He was being sincere and it shot straight through my defenses because he was right. I was bone achingly lonely, and I needed someone I could talk to about all the fears and complications of my new life. I wouldn’t burden my two oldest children with it, even though they’d been a part of the Archive not that long ago. Their experiences were the stuff of nightmares, my oldest in particular. Having someone I could unload on at the end of a hard day, or have by my side in the case of a difficult decision, could make all the difference.
“Alright,” I said, extending my hand to him. “Friends.”
His shake was firm, warm. My fingers grazed the scales on the back of his hands and a tiny zing of power rolled up my fingers, like I’d gotten a little shock.
“Sorry,” he grimaced, pulling back, “it can be challenging holding my glamour for long periods of time. Sometimes, things leak out.”
“It’s alright. I suppose you can drop it around me, if you’re comfortable with that.”
He cocked an eyebrow.
“Wouldyoube comfortable with that?”
I seriously thought about that. I’d had limited contact with most supernaturals since taking over this position. We did have some on staff, though most were relegated to non-agent roles, like security and artifact storage. I wasn’t unfamiliar with them. But I knew enough to know that aDragonwas an entirely different thing than an Orc or Mothman.
“I believe I would. And if we are to be working together more, I would think I need to become more comfortable with at least one of your true forms.”
He nodded.
“That makes sense. But not tonight. I’ll meet you at your office tomorrow morning. You like two sugars in your coffee, right?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Impress your new friend 101, feed their caffeine addiction.”
He smirked and showed himself out of my penthouse.
I hated to admit that I missed him already.
And that I was looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.
I’m just lonely for a friend, that’s all.
I nodded at myself.
“Yes, that’s all it is.”
(Curious about Angelica and her family? Read more about Angelica's history with Francesca and the Archive in The Silver City Celestials series.)
Chapter One
Ididn’twanttobe here.
I mean, I wanted to be here drinking beer, but I would have rather it was with one of my brothers, or another member of my clan. I would have rather it have been purely fun and social, instead of the dire situation that now faced me.