Page 24 of Feral

Well, I can’t really blame him can I? We’re complete strangers and while he may not be a romantic, it sounds as if this is something sacred to his clan. And here I am, practically bullying him into doing it. Oh lord, I should probably apologize…or maybe I was too hasty insisting on—

“Ms. Reynolds?” Director Dearborne said, and from her tone I could tell that this wasn’t the first time she’d said my name.

“Oh, yes, I apologize, Director. I was digesting the meeting.”

Her lips quirked up.

“I’m sure. Now that Mr. MacDonald is gone, I want to make it clear that you do not have to do anything you are uncomfortable with. We don’t know a lot about the mating bite of Werewolves and how it affects us.”

I tried to picture what the bite would it be like, while also doing my best not to become aroused at the thought of his teeth sinking into me. Even if he hadn’t been a supernatural creature, I was stupidly attracted to men like him; closed off and mysterious with a body that even under his clothes was outrageously muscular.

Honestly, men like that are not supposed to exist outside of novels. Though I suppose he’s not a man he’s a Werewolf…a feral, sexy Werewolf that I’d very much like to see in his true form…maybe as he bends me over some furniture…

I swallowed, now positive that the room was too hot.

“Are you alright?” Director Dearborne asked.

My head snapped up and I tried to reign in my libido, which had always been healthy, but this was the first time it was like a runaway train.

Come now, Daphne! This is a chance at a real promotion, to do something more. You must lock this away and approach it like any other research project.

“I’m fine,” I said, giving her a shaky smile.

“Alright then, I need to make this clear. I am not willing to sacrifice your comfort or safety for a mission. So if at any time you want to be extricated, you must let us know, do you understand?”

“Of course.”

“Is there anything I should know about your department before you leave tomorrow?”

“I don’t believe so. Reggie is new but capable of holding things down. And I think Peter understands not to move things around anymore.”

“Who’s Peter?” Director Dearborne questioned.

“Oh, the poltergeist that lives in my department. Quite harmless really.”

“I…I see.”

I was used to people having an unsettled reaction to Peter but I had thought that the director knew about this already.

“I’ll send the Outfitters to your home in the morning with your approved gear. Do you have any questions?”

I blew out my lips, my mind spinning too fast for me to catch hold of anything other than a faint sense of panic mixed with excitement.

“No, not at the moment. But I may later.”

“Well,” the director said with a lopsided grin, “you’re dismissed, I suppose.”

“Oh…Oh yes, of course. Thank you.”

I scurried out and down the hall, my legs shaking and my heart thumping wildly in my chest. Of all the things the director could’ve called me into her office for, this was never an option in my wildest dreams. In one day, I’d been denied a job I had wanted but not been especially passionate about, only to be semi promoted in my top secret job that I was passionate about.

What a strange turn of events to be sure.

By the time I found my way back to my tiny office, my mind was crowded with the research options. I should look into possible artifacts, but my mind kept straying to questions about the Highland Werewolves, which inevitably led to lurid images that I definitely should not be thinking about at work.

I was so focused on this that when Reggie grabbed me in a hug, I screamed in shock.

“Did they hurt you?” he demanded. “Oh my gosh, did I hurt you?’