Page 167 of Blood of the Saints

“Ace.” Theon’s deep voice rumbles behind me with hesitancy, but he drops his hold from my waist, stepping back.

My legs feel like they're going to give out from underneath me, but I roll my shoulders back, feigning confidence that I don’t have.

Looking at the sleek black gun, I flip it over, inspecting it, thinking about the decision I’m expected to make. I pull the clip out, and the light reflecting off the bullet sticking out of the top shows me he’s not bluffing.

With trembling hands, I push the clip back and lift the gun pointing it directly at Ace who stands before me. I can see Matt’s battered body behind him, only filling me with even more rage.

“Zamira…” I hear Blais’ cautious voice beside me, but he can’t stop me. No one can. This is my decision to make, one they gave me. One they forced me to make.

“You betrayed me. Blindsided me. Took my heart and ripped it clean out of my chest. I loved you. Fucking loved you, but clearly that doesn’t matter. Everything was all a game, an act, and I’m the only fool here.” My voice fills the room, echoing off the walls. Tears stream down my face as my emotions flood through me.

Taking a deep breath in, I steady my hand. With a clear mind now, I know what I have to do. They wanted to know where my loyalty lies, now it’s time to show them.

“Do it.” Ace’s voice echoes in my mind.

My finger hovers over the trigger, ready to seal my fate forever.

Pulling the trigger, the gun recoils in my hand, pushing against my palm as the bullet pierces Ace’s chest. His mouth opens, gasping, as he falls to his knees, his hands trying to stop the blood pouring from his wound. Blood soaks his blue shirt, the dark red spot growing larger by the second.

“Zamira...what did...what did you do?” Blais chokes from behind me.

They all betrayed me. Made me trust them. Made me fall in love with them.

Now I need to protect myself.

Theon’s heavy footsteps sound against the concrete floor while I watch the life drain from Ace’s eyes, his body now lifeless on the ground.

Quickly spinning around, I pistol-whip Theon hard across the face, momentarily causing him to stumble backward. Confusion mixed with anger etches across his face from the events that are unfolding around us.

Blais approaches me at the same time so I lunge for the table of weapons, picking up a long blade dagger, throwing it at him with all my force until it plunges right into his chest, landing straight in his heart.

My soul shatters at what I have to do, but they did this to themselves.

They fucking betrayed me.

They gave me no other option.

It’s fight or flight for me and I choose to fight.

“Darling…” Blais’ steps falter before he tumbles to the ground, blood staining his dark band tee. His eyes are filled with betrayal, but he has no one to blame but himself. A pang of guilt washes over me seeing that look on his face, but I push it away just as fast as it comes. I can't let my heart get in the way of what I know I have to do.

Everyone in this room destroyed me.

They took one look at me and thought I’d be a good person to use for their sick satisfaction until they got what they wanted.

Well, no more. All of this ends today and I’m finally walking out of here a free woman. I have to protect myself above all else. I can’t put myself in another situation where I get used and beaten down for someone else’s agenda. It’s time I take my life into my own hands.

Hearing Theon behind me, I pull my attention to his large frame, where he’s rubbing his hands against his temple. “Princess. Put the fucking gun down.” His voice holds no hostility or any fight, only pure pain. He’s changing his tactics, trying to get me to calm down long enough to attack me when my defenses are down.

“No,” I grunt out, aiming my gun at him. He lifts his hands in surrender, looking like a different man than the one I’ve gotten to know. He looks defeated, like he knows there’s no point in trying to fight me, like he has nothing else to live for without his brothers, without Allie, without me.

“Zamira, please put it down.” He’s pleading, begging me to spare his life. My heart breaks thinking about what we all could have had, but they had to go and push me over the edge. They chose to put me in this position, to corner me until I snapped, and this was the result. They knew the darkness I had inside of me; the only thing they didn’t account for is where my darkness would take me, where it would take all of us.

“Princess, it’s me. Please, baby, put the gun down. I fucking love you, Zamira.” Hearing him say that, makes me pause. After everything I just did, he still says he loves me. A single tear rolls down his perfect brown skin, almost making me run to him and giving in.


Squeezing the trigger, I give Theon the same fate I allowed Ace, not sparing him a second glance as his heavy body drops quickly to the ground. Thick red blood pools around my feet coming from the men who were supposed to accept me. Love me without any conditions attached, knowing that I would’ve given them the world if they would’ve let me, but the plan changed and I’m back to square one.