Page 166 of Blood of the Saints

“Seriously?” I hear Blais’ disbelief, the sounds cutting straight through my heart. As much as I hate hearing his voice like that, I don’t want to believe my best friend is truly a monster. One that could kill these women behind closed doors and pretend to be the perfect man in public.

Aren’t the men you’re in love with exactly the same?

“Keep scrolling. You’ll find videos,” Ace says coolly, like it’s just another normal conversation we’re having, but I can see in his eyes that he’s about to snap. That any moment something will set him over the edge enough to release the monster trapped inside him.

Nothing could’ve prepared me for what I saw next. The first video that popped up is dark, but I can make out a small framed woman, looking like she’s dazed. Her eyes move around frantically, but her body is practically limp lying on the bed. She looks drugged, like she doesn’t know where she is.

But it’s the sound I hear next that has my body going rigid. Matt’s deep voice pierces my ears as he threatens her, acting like someone I’ve never met before. She begs him to stop, but he rips her clothes off and begins to rape her. She cries, screaming for him to stop, but he doesn’t. Next thing I know he starts to choke her as she claws at him to stop, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t let up until I see the life leaving her body.What the hell?

There are countless videos playing out the same scenario each time. Each video shows Matt taking the life of another innocent woman. My fingers tremble, dropping the phone as the walls of the room cave in on me. The pressure in my chest causes me to scream out from the pain. Everything feels wrong. So fucking wrong.

“Z, let me explain. It’s not what it looks like.” I can barely hear Matt while my eyes are glued to the phone in front of me. There’s no way they could have faked these videos. The hard truth is, this is real. He is a fucking monster.

“We found something else too. A note he wrote, one that pins everything on you in the event anything ever ‘happened’ to him.”

“What the fuck?”

Ace reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a piece of paper handing it to me. I instantly recognize Matt’s handwriting. Right there in his sloppy handwriting is a letter explaining that I’ve been keeping a giant secret that he recently uncovered. That I’m this criminal mastermind, because I’m a scorned woman. A woman who was cheated on by her late husband with a sex worker so I killed him, then went on a rampage killing sex workers throughout the state in anger and fury for my husband’s betrayal. Honestly, it’s a dramatic story he spins, but Matt was always a good agent, never one to lie or cause problems, so why wouldn’t his letter be believable?

“This isn’t all though. He has a whole plan on his computer on how to frame you. He has people in his pocket at the FBI that are going to fake evidence for him. They’d wipe his computer of his crimes leaving no trail of his wrongdoings. He also takes your hair and fingerprints when he’s at your apartment, for fuck’s sake. He’s fucking sick and setting you up. I can show you that stuff too if you want.”

My mind races, and I can’t form any damn words.

“Zamira.” My legs give out from under me, while Theon tries to hold me up. My entire body feels numb, no longer able to feel my limbs. My head swirls with chaos, feeling like I’m being pulled in fifty different directions. Theon’s voice filters through my ears as he calls out my name, but he sounds so far away.

“Breathe, darling. You have to breathe.” Blais moves in front of me, but my eyes can’t focus on him. They bounce around his face, unable to think clearly. I’m feeling dizzy, unsteady on my legs while Theon loosens his hold on my body testing out my strength.

Please tell me my eyes and ears are deceiving me. I’m begging internally for this to be some kind of sick joke, but I know it’s not true. What they just showed me, can’t be fabricated. It’s not something they’d have enough time to make up.


My Matt.

A murderer, monster, and someone I don’t even fucking recognize anymore.

He was doing this under my thumb the entire time, he was my charming friend, the person I leaned on to keep me strong, motivated, and sane. I trusted him, loved him, and considered him my family, only to find out he was a fraud, a fake. He was going to pin all of his crimes on me if he ever got caught.

All of this is so fucked up.

Matt betrayed me.

Ace, Theon, and Blais blindsided me.

And I have no idea what the hell to do. They didn’t trust me enough to tell me this beforehand. Maybe if they would’ve given me proof before dragging me down here for their little test, then I wouldn’t be feeling like my entire world is capsizing on top of me. Maybe if they would’ve just realized that I’m with them, I wouldn’t feel like running right now. Escaping this hell I’m currently facing.

Did they not think I’d believe them if they sat me down and told me before and showed me what they had?

What they just showed me is bad. Really bad. So disgustingly sick, I’m still in shock from what I’ve seen. The longer I look at Matt, the more I see the evil seeping through his skin, but it’s hard to not compare the man in front of me with the man I’ve known for years. He was always my rock, but it turns out I’m a terrible judge of character.

I can’t see the demons right in front of my face before it’s too late. Ace, Theon, and Blais are not saints. They’re filled with so much darkness, this could be a fucking trap they have me in as just some sick form of cat and mouse game for their own fun. It would be a savage thing to do to make me fall for them, then rip the rug right out from under me.

I want to scream from how fucking confused I am. I’m not even sure I can trust myself at this point, let alone anyone else in this room.

“Zamira.” Ace approaches me with a gun in his hand, holding it in a tight grip, looking stoic.

Fuck, is he going to kill me too? Their giant plan to kill two FBI agents in one sweep? My body instinctively presses back into Theon’s body the closer Ace gets. He lifts the gun, but instead of pointing it at me, he grabs my hand, placing the grip in my palm. Everything in my body aches, as confusion swirls deep inside me with the cool metal pressing into my skin.

“You know the truth. Now it’s time to make your decision once and for all. Us or him?” His voice is way too calm, making me feel even more uneasy. The confidence he has while giving me a gun is unnerving.