Page 62 of Love in Sight

Trying to hold back tears from the pain, I look around the room to figure out what I can use as a weapon. I can’t break the window to use the glass as a knife so I have to find something that will be easy enough to swing as a weapon. My eyes land on the lamp next to the bed. It’s a little big, but it seems like the only thing I’ll be able to use.

Making my way back to the bed, my legs and arms are almost back to full strength. I wince as I grip my hand around the neck of the lamp. There’s no way my hand isn’t broken. I can barely get a good grip on this thing without feeling like it’s on fire. Just as I lift it off the table, I hear keys jingling.

I rush to hide behind the door, calming my breath so I don’t give my position away. When it opens, he will be able to see that the bed is empty, but I’m hoping I’ll have enough time to take him by surprise.

The door unlocks and I see a shadow slowly step into the room. This is it, swing first and ask questions later. Stepping out from behind the door, I swing as hard as I can with the lamp. The base of the lamp connects with the head of the large figure, causing his body to tumble to the floor.

Taking my chances, I drop the lamp and sprint around him to get out the door. A hand circles around my ankles just as I reach the threshold of the door. The sudden jerking movement causes me to fall face first into the hardwood floor.

I’m suddenly pulled back into the room. I do my best to kick with my free leg, but he grabs it, holding it down as I feel him crawling up my body. He flips me around so I’m laying on my back. Without thinking, I throw a punch with my good fist, connecting to Greyson’s jaw. He growls as he straddles my body, pinning my wrists to the floor before moving them above my head. He holds both of my wrists together with one hand as he brings the other to my throat, squeezing so hard I can barely breathe.

“Blaze, calm down. Don’t make me do this, please.” His emotions are raw as he pleads with me to stop fighting him. Dark circles ring his bloodshot eyes; he looks like he’s in pain. Spots are dancing across my eyes as I gasp for air. Greyson finally lets up on my throat, still keeping his hand there, but allowing me to take gulps of air in. His body still pins mine down, but I’m not done fighting for my freedom yet.

Realizing I still have fight in me, I bring my head up and connect it with his. How many times am I going to have to headbutt someone? His head snaps back and I see blood trickling from his nose as he groans from the contact.Good. I hope it hurts, asshole.

“Stop right fucking now. I’m not going to hurt you. I’ll answer your questions, but stop fucking fighting me,” he growls, as his blood drips down onto my t-shirt. I try to wiggle my hips out from under him, but he’s too heavy. There’s no way I’m getting out of this by fighting so I relax my body, conceding for now.

“You drugged me, Greyson! Now you’ve kidnapped me. You expect me to trust anything you say?” I scream in his face, feeling the heat of anger coursing through me. He looks hurt from my words, which confuses me more. Did he just think I would be cool with all of this?

“I know, Blaze. I know. I panicked, you were getting scared and I was afraid you were going to leave me. People always leave, but I can’t lose you. You have no idea how much you mean to me, how long I’ve waited for you,” he whispers into my ear as he leans into my body. Goosebumps consume my flesh as I wonder what he’s going to do to me. He presses a kiss to my temple before leaning back. “I’m going to let you go, but you’re not going to try to fight me, right?” he asks suspiciously.

I shake my head. For now, I won’t fight him, but there’s no way I’m not going to escape or die trying. “I won’t fight you,” I say, peering into his beautiful blue eyes. These eyes that have deceived me for the last few months into caring for him, falling for him, trusting him.

He slowly lifts his weight off of me to stand, and stretches his hand out to take mine. I let him pull me up from the ground and lead me over to the bed.

“I want to know everything, starting with how you know Brandon?” I cross my arms over my chest, trying to close myself off from him. I wince at the pain still radiating from my hand.

“I’ve known Brandon for years. We, uh, we worked together. He was great with computers and I needed him for some... things.”

“Okay, be super vague. I’ll just start fighting you again if you aren’t going to be honest with me.” My attitude is raging, but he knows I’m serious. I will beat the shit out of him if he doesn’t start being honest.

He lets out a frustrated sigh. “Will you just give me a second? I told you I would explain it all.”

“You’ve had plenty of time over the last few months to talk to me, Greyson, so excuse me if my patience is lacking.” I know I shouldn’t taunt him considering he could snap at any second, but I can’t help it. I’m pissed off and I’m tired of being in the dark.

“You don’t think I know that?! You don’t think I’ve wanted to tell you everything since the moment I saw you? You have no idea how hard it’s been for me to not steal you away from those three. You have no idea how hard it’s been waiting for you to trust me enough, for me not to scare you away.” He begins to pace back and forth. I can tell he’s close to losing his control.

“Why would you scare me away? What was so bad before all of this that you think I would have left you?”

“Do you really not remember me? Am I that forgettable? I haven’t stopped thinking about you for the last nine years. You don’t have to pretend with me anymore, Lainey. It’s just you and me now. No one is going to stop us from being together again.” Greyson looks like he’s simultaneously ready to punch something and make love to me right here.

Confusion ripples through me. “How do you know that name? Why did you call me that?” I scream. I stand up getting in his face, snarling my teeth at him. Why would he bring up my sister or more importantly, why does he think I’m Lainey? How does he even know about her?

Wait. Nine years?

“Lainey, it’s me, Greyson. You can be honest with me, I’m not going to hurt you. It was my dad’s fault we were separated, but I’ve found you again. I never thought I would find you, but I won’t ruin it this time. I won’t let anyone take you from me again.”

“What are you talking about? My name is Lya. I’m not Lainey! Lainey is my sister. How do you even know her?” My voice pierces through the room as I’m ready to fight him again. Confusion surrounds me. I’m clearly missing something here.

“STOP PRETENDING! You don’t have to put on a show for those three anymore. You know me, I know you. It’s okay, no one is going to hurt you, baby. I won’t let them.” His voice echoes off the walls as he begins pulling at his hair, his patience obviously on thin ice. I need to calm him down before he snaps. Deciding the only option I have is to go along with it, I put on my best acting face. Drama club was never my thing, but I try to give an Oscar award-winning performance.

“Grey, I’m sorry. I just... I was scared from what happened before. It’s hard to trust people. I never know who I can be my true self with these days. I’m sure you can understand that.” That part’s true—trusting has never come easy, but I’m still not sure how he knows Lainey.

His eyes soften as he approaches me. He wraps his arms around my waist and leans in for a kiss. My body tenses as I kiss him back. This isn’t the same guy I’ve loved to kiss and have sex with. This version of Greyson is a stranger that causes fear to rise from a deep pit inside of my stomach.

I need him to believe me so I can catch him off guard later when he thinks I won’t try to get away. Breaking our kiss, I ask, “I know it’s been nine years and a lot has happened since then. Please tell me what happened while I was... gone. I don’t remember a lot, I’ve tried to block it all out,” I plead with him, hoping he will fill me in on what he’s talking about.

I should feel bad for messing with his heart right now, but all I feel is determined. If he has information about Lainey, I will stop at nothing to get it out of him.