Rian rolls his eyes and pulls his phone from his pocket. “Easy, we just track her location on her phone. She can’t get away from us.” We wait while Rian pulls up her location. “It says she’s…. here.” He frowns.
We all look at her phone laying on the nightstand.
“Shit!” Zep yells.
Shit is right. Her phone is here. I have no idea how we’re supposed to find her now, but we will. You can’t hide from us,meu amor.
Sweat drips down my back as I pull into Greyson’s driveway. My chest feels so tight with anguish, confusion, and pain. I can feel myself falling for Greyson more and more every day, but Brandon’s words have been stuck in my head. I can’t seem to get over the idea that Greyson isn’t being honest with me.
I’ve been avoiding him for the last few days so I’m sure he’ll be surprised to see me here unannounced. He still calls me every day, but I’ve told him I’ve been busy with work so we’ve barely talked. He definitely knows it’s a lie, but I really just needed time to process everything.
My arms and legs feel heavy as I walk up his front steps. My heart has basically dropped to my stomach at this point as anxiety wraps its fingers tightly around my throat, aggressively squeezing the life out of me. Unsure of if I should just walk in or not, I knock on the door. Any other time I would have just walked in, but this feels different so I’ll just wait out here.
I can hear footsteps approaching the door. I wipe my sweaty palms on my shorts and take a deep breath in. Here we go. Greyson throws the door wide open, not expecting to see me on the other side.
“Blaze? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” He looks confused, trying to figure out what’s going on.
I push past him, letting myself inside, not really wanting to have this conversation outside. I hear him cautiously shut the door behind me. Spinning on my heels, I face him, ready to get it all out there.
“Blaze, what’s going on?” His voice is firm, not giving any hint of confusion now.
“I think we need to have a talk. About Brandon. About us. About yoursecrets.” I plaster a cold, disinterested look on my face. I know he doesn’t deserve this attitude from me when I don’t even know what Brandon was talking about, but I can’t help it. When I get scared and feel like I’m backed into a corner, I build walls up so high to protect myself.
“About Brandon? Did you guys find him? What secrets are you talking about?” Panic flashes behind his eyes. It’s the only evidence I have that something isn’t right. His face remains calm, but his eyes give him away.
Wanting to get this over with, I come right out and say it. “When Brandon kidnapped me, he kept spouting off what seemed like nonsense at the time, but I can’t get it out of my head. I’m going to ask you questions and I need you to be honest with me, Greyson. I need the truth from you, no matter how bad it is. Okay?”
“Lya, I’m not sure what he told you, but I promise it was not the truth. Please, believe me.” His voice cracks as he pleads with me. Denying something before you even know what you’re being accused of is a telltale sign of guilt.
“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask, so how do you know it’s not the truth?” I ask suspiciously.
“He’s clearly gotten into your head to convince you I’m some bad guy, so I’m sure whatever he said isn’t the truth. I would never do anything to hurt you, you know that, Blaze.”
“I’m not sure what I know anymore, Greyson.”
“Blaze, please, don’t you think if I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it by now?”
Shocked by what he’s just said, I’m unsure of what to even say back to that. Finally, clearing my head enough to respond, I growl at him, “Greyson, are you going to answer my questions honestly?”
Instead of answering, Greyson just stands there staring at me. He has the nerve to just stand there?
Growing even more impatient with him, I finally snap. “You know what? Fuck off, Greyson. You’re clearly hiding something that you don’t want to tell me. I’m fucking done with this conversation. If you want to grow some balls and tell me, you know where to find me.” I storm past him, heading for the door.
Just before I can make my way outside, a firm hand grabs onto my arm. Greyson spins me around so I’m facing him. He backs me up into the wall, pressing his body into me. His chest rises and falls quickly as his nostrils flare. “Fine, Blaze. I’ll tell you everything if you want to know so bad, but I need to show you something first. Come with me, I need to show you a place special to me that will help you understand all of this. Just trust me, okay?”
I scoff at that last statement. Trust him? I’m starting to think I barely know him. How could I be so foolish to let someone into my life who might be keeping big secrets from me? Shaking the thought, I realize I need to hear him out. If I want answers, the only way I’ll get them is if I go with him.
“Fine. I’ll go with you, but once we get there, you’re telling me everything.” My eyes let him know that I am not messing around. Internally, I know this is the classic trap. Dumb girl agrees to go to a random place with a guy she’s suspicious of and then gets brutally murdered for her stupidity. But if I don’t go, I’m not sure I’ll ever get answers.
Greyson’s right—he’s never tried to hurt me before, even when he’s had plenty of chances. Not that he won’t hurt me now that I’m calling him out, but I feel like he does want to tell me whatever it is Brandon was talking about.
I’m pulled from my thoughts when something warm touches my hand. I look down and realize he’s clasping onto my hand. Trying to pull my hand away, I feel him grip it tighter. Not enough to hurt me, but enough to let me know he’s not letting go.
“Lya, please. Trust me, I’m begging you to just hear me out. I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you.” His eyes become glassy from the unshed tears. I can hear the pain in his voice, causing my heart to ache for him. I’m not sure what he’s going to tell me—I’m honestly a little scared—but I’m willing to hear him out. Greyson has never shown this much emotion that wasn’t anger, so him tearing up is foreign. I’m still insanely pissed off at him right now, but I do care about him.
Finally pulling my hand away from him even though it hurts me inside, I say quietly, “Let’s go, Greyson. Take me to see what you want to show me, then we’ll talk.”