“Baby girl, you don’t always have to be strong for us. It’s okay to break sometimes.” Rian leans in to kiss my forehead.
I’m overwhelmed with emotions again so all I can do is nod. I spin on my heel and head to the room to get dressed. Tears cascade down my face, but I don’t want the guys to see me crying yet again. They would never judge me, hell they would probably lick away my tears, but I hate feeling weak in front of anyone. The amount of tears I’ve cried already is too much for me. Thiago and Rian understand my need to be alone so they slowly leave the room, closing the door softly behind them.
I’m undeniably the luckiest woman on this planet. I have four guys who treat me like a fucking queen. Moments like these remind me of that. Four guys that can read and understand my needs. Four guys who would do anything for me. I know Greyson hasn’t been with us all that long, but he’s quickly fit into the dynamic.
After I finish getting dressed, I head down to the living room. The smell of pizza fills my nose as I round the corner. My stomach growls when I see the boxes sitting on the table. Greasy pizza is just what I need after a day like today. Four pizzas for four people. Honestly, it will probably all be gone with no trace of anything left. We all know how to hold our own when it comes to food.
Greyson had a meeting out of town today and he won't be back until late so unfortunately he won’t get to hang out with us tonight. I frown at the thought that I don’t get to see him, but I quickly snap out of it when I hear Thiago and Zep arguing.
“Before you even suggest watching The Princess Bride for the millionth time, we are letting Lya pick the movie tonight,” Zep says sternly.
“Fuck off dude, I wasn’t going to suggest The Princess Bride,” Thiago argues in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Yeah right, that’s the only movie you ever suggest. Okay, fine. If you weren’t about to scroll to that movie, what were you going to pick?” Zep crosses his arms over his chest, arching a brow at Thiago.
“I figured we could watch a horror movie tonight. One of Lya’s favorites.”
Instead of replying, Zep just scoffs, shaking his head.
Before he can say anything back, I jump in. “It’s true. Thiago already told me we could watch my favorite tonight.” I grin, thinking about all the movies I could pick from.
“Damn, I never thought I’d see the day that little scaredy cat suggests a scary movie,” Zep chuckles. Thiago picks up the remote and throws it at Zep. Thankfully, Zep has cat-like reflexes and snatches it out of the air before it smacks him in the head. “Nice try, asshole.” Thiago just gives him a cocky smirk.
This entire time, Rian has been silent, not saying a word. “What’s wrong, baby?” I say to him as I move around the couch to sit on his lap.
“Ah, nothing. Just thinking about things. How are you doing now?” His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
“I’m better, thanks to you three.” I meet each of their gazes to show them my appreciation. “I know I’ve been on edge lately with everything going on, but I appreciate everything you guys do for me. And I know I don’t always say it, but you guys are my life. You are everything to me and if anything ever happened to any of you, I would never forgive myself.” Rian’s grip on my waist tightens, letting me know he feels the same.
“Nothing is going to happen to us, and we won’t let anything happen to you either.” Zep says gently.
I nod my head. “I know. I know you guys will do everything you can, but what if we don’t see something coming or what if we’re caught off guard? We aren’t invincible. We have weaknesses.” Panic starts to fill my voice and my shoulders tense.
I’m lost in my thoughts until a warm hand rests on my thigh. “Gorgeous, nothing. Is. Going. To. Happen. I will die before I let anything happen to you. We know how to protect ourselves. We will figure this out.” Zep’s tone is firm, but his eyes are filled with tenderness.
Just as we’re about to start the movie, a loud crash comes from the front door. Zep stills beside me and I feel Rian tense beneath me. I quickly get off of Rian’s lap and onto my feet. Zep grabs the gun from the coffee table drawer and Thiago pulls a knife from his hip as Rian pulls out his phone to check the security feed.
We’re all on edge waiting for the intruder when I hear someone yell my name, “Lya! Lya, where are you? Fuck. Lya!”
My eyebrows pinch together. “Greyson? Greyson, we’re in the living room!”
As soon as he rounds the corner and sees me, his shoulders visibly relax. “Thank fuck. Are you okay?” He comes up to me, checking me over to make sure nothing is wrong. His gaze lands on my still red and swollen knuckles. “What happened? Why are your knuckles swollen?” His voice is filled with anger, ready to shred someone to pieces.
I place my hand on his chest to calm him. “Greyson, I’m fine. It’s from my training session with Zep today. What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn’t be in until later? You shouldn’t even be here. What if the stalker sees you here?” The questions tumble from my mouth as I start to feel the panic creeping up on me again.
“I got back early and wanted to surprise you. I drove a different vehicle so whoever is stalking us won’t know it's mine. Never mind that though, there’s something you all need to see.” He shares glances with the guys.
“What is it?” Thiago asks.
“Just follow me, you need to see it for yourselves.” Greyson grabs my hand, quickly pulling me toward the door. My heart rate picks up as I start thinking about what I’m about to see. It has to be bad if he won’t just say what it is. We walk out the front door and my knees go wobbly.
I feel the blood drain from my body. Another one.
He isn’t finished with me.
On the windshield of my car, in what looks like blood is a message that says ‘Stop while you’re still alive.’ On top of the hood of my car is a beautiful white box, wrapped like a gift, with a big red bow. A shudder rips through me as I pull my hand from Greyson’s to approach the car.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?” Greyson asks.