Heading in, I knock on Tara’s door, just as the door swings open and her beautiful face comes into view. I let out a sharp squeal as I jump, pulling her into my arms.
“Tara, I’ve missed you so much!”
I really have. I may have four guys constantly in my life, but this girl is my only girlfriend. Sometimes I just need to get away from all the testosterone.
“Missed you too, bitch! Now get in here and spill the tea on that new dick you’ve added to your pack.”
I smile and roll my eyes as she shuts the door and pulls me over to the couch. She’s already starting in on that—I should’ve known, that’s Tara for you.
“Where do you want me to start?” I ask as I sink into her chocolate brown microfiber couch. I wish we would have gotten our sectional in this material, it’s so soft and comfortable.
“The beginning obviously,” she laughs, “but if you want to start with how he is in bed, then I won’t be opposed.”
I tell Tara all about how Greyson became one of us. Her facial expression goes from shocked to intrigued as I go through the whole story. It’s been way too long since we’ve had enough time together to go through all the details of my life, so it was a lot to catch her up on.
“So he’s officially one of your guys now?” she asks once I’ve finished giving all the details.
“I guess so.” I shrug as if I’m not sure, but I am. He’s ours now.
“What do Zep, Rian, and Thiago think?”
“They weren’t up for it at first, especially Rian, but once they got to know Greyson outside the office they started to like him. I think they now consider him one of them. If they didn’t like him, they would still include him because they would do anything to make me happy.” Guilt consumes me as I think about them doing something they aren’t comfortable with just because it makes me happy, especially something as big as allowing another person into our lives.
Tara nods, trying to understand the situation. When she looks at me, I can see in her eyes what’s coming next.
She gives me a mischievous grin. “So… you never told me who has the biggest dick and now you have another one to add to the comparison. Wait. You have boned him, right?”
“Yeah, I’vebonedhim, Tara.” I try to say it with a serious face, but it ends up turning into a giggle.
“Oooh, have you had all of them together?”
I don’t speak, I just give her a smirk. Hoping she takes the hint.
“Oh. My. God. You have! You have to give me all the deets! Four men equals four orgasms, and if they didn’t do that for you then they suck!” I mean, her reasonings don’t suck.
“You need to calm down,” I laugh. “I’m not giving you full details, but I will say it was the best sex of my life.” I don’t leave Tara out of anything. I’ll let her know all the big events, but it’s not my vibe to give her all the personal details about my guys’ dicks.
“You at least have to tell me who has the biggest dick, because I amdyingnot knowing,” she says in the most dramatic voice ever. This girl can bring the dramatics.
“Tara…” I give her a pointed look, hoping she will let the subject go.
“Okay, fine... I’ll guess. Thiago?”
My pointed look doesn’t waiver from her beautiful emerald eyes.
“Rian? Zep?”
My face must falter a little when she says Zep’s name because a look of excitement and shock comes over her face. Did I just accidentally give the answer away?
“It’s totally Zep! Wow… By the look of those boys, I’d have totally guessed Thiago would have the biggest, veiniest cock.” She looks like she’s fantasizing about Thiago’s cock when she says that last part.
“Or Rian, he really seems like the underdog. Probably because he’s nerdy and nerdy isn’t my thing.”
“But I’m nerdy, Tara. Am I not yourthing?” I throw my hands up, trying to act offended at her dig on nerdy people.
“You’re different, babe. You know I’ll always love you and your nerdiness.” While her reasoning doesn’t make much sense, I know what she means. You always settle for traits in friends that you wouldn’t settle for in a partner, because you’re not dating your friend.
To get her away from thinking about my guys’ cocks for a minute, I ask, “So who was that guy who was here the night we barged in?”