Over the years, I've spent hundreds of hours going on normal-looking websites and looking for backlinks. People will hide backlinks in other websites so that when you click on the link it takes you to their site, advertisement, or document. I’ve found a lot of backlinks over the years, but nothing helpful.
I’m still looking around when something familiar catches my eye. My mouth drops open in shock. My stomach clenches at what this means for Lainey.
“What is it?” Zep shifts forward, waiting to hear what I found.
“It’s the symbol—this document has the symbol!” I shake my head in disbelief.
I’m unsure of how to feel right now. I should be excited that we finally have a link, but I’m also devastated at what this confirms. This proves what I’ve suspected for years now. Lainey was taken by sex traffickers.
My twin sister was trafficked. Right from under my nose. I was right there, hiding and waiting for her to catch up to me. A sharp pain rises through my chest as I start dry heaving. I spin out of my chair, no longer able to look at the screen. My chest feels like it’s caving in.
“Baby girl, take some deep breaths.” Rian tries to soothe me.
“If she was trafficked, that means she could be anywhere. Someone could be keeping her to do despicable things or she could be... dead.” My eyes pool with tears as I look up at Rian.
Rian intertwines his fingers with mine and rubs his thumb over my hand. “We’ll find her, Lya. No matter what. We have this lead now, which means we’re so much closer to finding her. We can’t give up now.”
“I’m not giving up,” I growl at him. I slide back in my chair and lay my head down on the edge of the desk, trying to calm myself. Two firm hands land on my back. I know they belong to Zep and Thiago without even looking up.
It’s been nine long years, but I finally have a lead. The symbol connects her to the sex trafficking operated through Darkest Desires and this Omega person runs the operation. It’s all connected, but I still don’t know who Omega is or where to find him. No one does.
I need to get on the inside to find out where my sister is. It’s clear they obviously have someone working for them who’s computer smart. They are barely leaving any trace.
I should be feeling hopeful, but I’m honestly feeling run down and defeated. My mood has completely flipped since I first walked into my office. We are closer to finding her, but it also feels like our revelation is sending us to another dead end. I’m too afraid to get my hopes up. With my luck, nothing will come from this. I don’t know if I’ll survive another dead lead. I fear that we will never find Omega and never find her location.
“I’m done for today. Let’s get out of here,” I sigh as I lean over and start shutting down the computer.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the guys giving each other confused looks. I know they’re confused by my actions, because I’m not the type of girl who gives up. I’m the girl who stays in here for days and has to have someone carry them out. But I can’t do this right now. I feel more defeated with the new information than I did when I had nothing.
I walk out of the office to the master bedroom to lay down, hoping the guys will follow me. I lay down on my side and pull the comforter up to my chin. Thiago slides in behind me and Rian lays down in front of me, with Zep sitting on the bed behind him.
“Meu amor, we won’t let you give up. We will find Lainey,” Thiago whispers and Rian slides his arm around my waist. Their touches would usually make me horny enough to jump their bones but after the day I’ve had, all it does is comfort me.
After a full day of beating and threatening information out of Haskins and confirming that my sister was trafficked, their touch is the only thing I can take solace in. That is enough to allow my eyes to close and sleep to find me.
Over the course of the week, I’ve been trying to find more leads on the websites and links I discovered. I feel like I have so much information and yet not enough at the same time. I hate feeling like I’m no closer to finding Lainey.
Surprisingly, I haven’t gotten any more threats from my creepy stalker but that makes me more nervous than it calms me. It feels like a calm before the storm type of situation. I think it helps that we have been going to Greyson’s to hang out and taking Rian’s G-Wagon instead of my car over there. When I go by myself to see him, I take Thiago’s McLaren, because we feel like it gives me a better chance of going unnoticed if I’m not going in my car that the stalker’s clearly already vandalized.
If these were any other circumstances, the thought of sneaking around would be thrilling, but instead I’m on edge. I’m waiting for another threat to come in. He’s been slowly escalating his threats each time so the thought of what he will do next has me terrified.
Tonight, all four guys and I are having dinner at Greyson’s. He lives in a large, white three story house that could fit at least two of our houses inside of it. The interior is all modern with the newest appliances and technology. I’m pretty sure there are at least seven bedrooms, but I honestly got a little lost when he gave us the tour.
I might have money now, but it hasn’t always been this way. To Greyson it’s not a big deal, because he grew up in this home, but I’m in awe of how gorgeous it is. It doesn’t feel as cozy or warm as ours does, but that’s probably because it’s just Greyson here with no one else to fill this massive space.
Since we can’t all go out together right now, staying in is the only option we have if we want to hang out as a group. It still seems strange that I’ve only been seeing Greyson for a little over a month now. With everything that has been going on, it feels like we’ve been seeing each other for years.
I’m still impressed with how willing my guys have been to accept him into the fold. I know there are some things they still don’t see eye to eye on, but they’ve made the best effort to accept him and include him.
Greyson decided to cook his homemade meatballs and spaghetti tonight. I asked him if he needed any help, but he practically pushed me out of the kitchen. It’s so sexy that my guys know how to cook.
I sneak my way back into the kitchen, leaving Zep, Thiago, and Rian to play video games in the living room. Since Greyson didn’t have a gaming system himself, the guys brought ours over so we had something to do while Greyson cooked. Walking into the kitchen, I see his back is turned towards me as he hovers over the stove. The smell of his homemade garlic spaghetti sauce has my mouth watering just as my stomach rumbles loudly.
I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, resting my face on his back and inhaling his minty scent. He stands up straighter, spinning in my arms to face me. He plants his hands on my face, tilting my head up so our eyes meet.
“I thought I told you to stay out of the kitchen,” he teases, as he plants a kiss on the tip of my nose.