Before I have time to even think, a shot rings through the silence. Greyson’s piercing scream shatters my eardrums as I look down to see his thigh bleeding. I look over to Zep, who is smirking now as his gun is still aimed at Greyson.
“Raise your voice at her again and I’ll aim a little higher next time.” Zep’s voice cuts through the room loud enough to shatter glass.
“Zep, look at me.” He turns his head toward me and our eyes connect, showing me the darkness swirling inside his irises. His sweet blues are nowhere in sight. “Zep, lower the gun. It’s okay, just relax baby. I’m okay, see?” Shaking his head, he snaps out of his trance. Looking down at Greyson’s leg, he realizes he took it a little too far. Zep doesn’t say a thing though, he just takes a step back as he lowers his gun.
“Are you just going to let me die like this?!” Greyson screeches. “Why would you do this to me, Lainey? Was it all an act? You once told me you could see yourself loving me even through all my flaws.”
Then it dawns on me. He never knew that Lainey had a twin sister. Clearly Brandon either covered that up and kept it from him, or he didn’t do enough research himself. We never got to the point where I was open about my sister—I told him I had a sister, but not that she was my twin. I guess if he didn’t know we were twins, he really would think I was lying to him about all this. Lainey probably kept it to herself, to try and protect me somehow.
“Rian, do you have your phone?” I ask abruptly. Rian looks back at me in confusion, but hands me his phone anyway. One of the only things I kept from my old life was a Polaroid picture of Lainey and I, taken a few months before she was abducted. Afraid that I would lose it, I took a picture of the Polaroid and saved it to our shared cloud account. That way I could always have her with me when I was feeling hopeless. Thank goodness I did, because now I can finally convince Greyson that I’m not Lainey.
Finding the picture, I pause. I miss her so damn much. Seeing this picture only reminds me of how much of me has been missing. My other half has been gone for nine years and the only thing stopping me from finding her is Greyson Nash. Taking a deep breath, I flip the phone around so Greyson can see the picture. His brows furrow in confusion at what he’s seeing. His eyes shift back and forth between Lainey and I in the picture.
“Are you going to listen to me now?” I say in a sassy tone. I can’t help it, irritation is crawling beneath my skin trying to claw its way out. His eyes meet mine—instead of the pain he was feeling, all I see now is anger.
“What is this? You’re saying Lainey is your twin sister? No... No, it can’t be. You are Lainey. That picture is fake.” He begins to shake his head back and forth aggressively, as the realization dawns on him. “It can’t be. Brandon never told me you were a twin. Lainey never told me she had a twin sister. She would have told me.” His voice is soft now. The emotions he is processing right now are enough to make my heart ache. I see the same pain I feel every day without her, looking right back at me through his gaze.
Crouching down in front of him, our eyes clash. “Greyson. It’s true. Lainey is my twin sister. She’s my other half and I need to find her. I need to know that she’s still alive and I can’t do that without your help. Please, please give me the name.” His face is beginning to pale from the blood loss from his gunshot wound. “I love her too, you know. I need to find her. Please, Greyson.”
His lip trembles as I see contemplation shifting across his face. He no doubt thinks we are going to kill him. I’m pretty sure that's what the guys want to do, but I’m not sure if that’s what I want. “His name... His name is Harvey Sutton. It’s no use though. He used an alias. Brandon tried to find him, but his searches never returned any results.”
Aches spread across my body. Finally. I finally have a solid lead on my sister. My vision becomes cloudy with the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I’m getting light-headed from all the emotions coursing through my body. I stumble back, landing on my ass, knowing this is it. This is how we find her. I know he said Brandon couldn’t find her, but I wouldn’t trust that slimy fucker to be honest with Greyson.
“Thank you,” I whisper to Greyson. “You will never know how much this means to me. Maybe in another life, things could have been different between us. I’m sorry it had to be this way.” He lifts his head, ready to take the fate we deliver to him. His strong features look distant. He looks like a complete stranger as he tries to remain strong before us.
“Do what you have to do.” His bravado is strong, showing no hint of weakness. “When you find her, tell her that I loved her until my dying breath. Please.” A tear escapes his eye as he utters the last word. All I can do is nod as I stand back up, trying to not let the emotions I’m feeling pull me in any further.
“Meu amor, it’s your call. What do you want to do? We can kill him right now. Just give us the word,” Thiago says cautiously. I know they all want him dead, but I just can’t do it. Maybe it’s from the time we spent together, maybe it’s from seeing the sadness and pain in his eyes over Lainey, I’m not sure, but I do know I can’t kill him. We can’t kill him.
“Let’s just go. Let’s clean up here and the rest of the place and go. We leave him here tied up and whatever happens, happens,” I say, lifting my chin, not wanting to admit I’m slowly dying inside. All three guys nod as we gather our things, leaving Greyson there. If he makes it out alive, he’ll never talk. He knows we would come for him the moment he tries to cross us. If he doesn’t make it out, it will be a long time before someone finds him. We’ve covered our tracks, cleaning up all evidence of being here, so they will never be able to trace it back to us.
Walking out of the room, I hear a soft whisper from Greyson. “I’m so sorry, Blaze. Please forgive me.”
Part of me wonders if I’m making the right choice leaving him here, but I shake the thought as quick as it comes to me. I don’t have time to worry about Greyson, when my sister still needs me.
Hang on, Lainey. I’m coming for you.
The anticipation to get on my computer and search for this guy is eating me alive. My leg won’t stop shaking as I stare out the window of Thiago’s McLaren on the drive home. He’s driving way over the speed limit, but it still feels like it’s taking forever to get there.
A realization hits me. “What about my car? It’s at Greyson’s house.”
Thiago’s strong hand lands on my bare thigh. “Two of us guys will go get it once we get home. You’re in no condition to drive,meu amor.”
I can’t argue with him there. I was drugged, kidnapped, and had a knife pressed to my throat by a man that I was starting to fall in love with. A man that I trusted.
My face falls into a frown thinking about all the shit I’ve been through in the past twenty-four hours. I know that any one of the guys would have ended Greyson’s life if I’d asked, but I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I believe that all the terrible things he told me in the woods and in that abandoned house were the complete truth.
If it was all true, that means that everything he did, he did for Lainey. How could I kill someone that knew and loved my sister?
This is all too much for me to take in right now.
Thiago whips the car into our driveway, finding the other two already back. I can’t wait any longer, I sprint toward the house right as Thiago parks.
“Lya, slow down, your body can’t handle running right now,” Zep grunts from the porch. His chiseled, tattooed body comes into focus the closer I get to the house.
“Fuck my body, we are so close to finding Lainey!” I yell back at him. Yeah, I know how that first part sounded, and the guys definitely caught it judging by the looks on their faces. Oh well.