Page 64 of Love in Sight

“Of course, Lainey. Let’s get some rest. Don’t do anything that you’ll regret during the night. I don’t want to treat you like a captive, but I will if I have to. You can’t leave me, baby.” Her body tenses beneath me, but quickly relaxes as I slide into bed behind her, wrapping her in my arms.

I finally have Lainey in my arms and those three other pricks aren’t here to get in my way. It fucking enraged me every time one of them would touch her. She’s mine, not theirs. But I had to play along with becoming one of them to get close to her again. Now I just have to find a way to get her out of Craibridge with me, where they’ll never find us. Lord knows they’ll try. I slowly drift to sleep, letting the exhaustion of the day leave me.

* * *

I’mawoken by the sound of keys jingling. I stretch my arm out, but all I feel is coldness. Lainey is not in bed with me.

FUCK. I sit straight up in bed, seeing Lainey by the door frantically looking for the key as she tries to stay silent. Just as she finds the right key, I rush to her. She gets out of the door into the hallway, but I pull her back into my chest, wrapping my hand around her throat from behind. I slowly begin to squeeze her throat. She was trying to leave me, she wanted to hurt me. Her face is starting to turn red, but I can’t stop. Pain is coursing through me from her betrayal.

“Blaze. Why did you do this? Why couldn’t you just listen to me? It didn’t have to be like this,” I growl in her ear.

“My name is not Lainey. It’s Lya. It’s about time you figured that out,” she chokes out and throws her elbow into my gut, making me grunt, but I don’t loosen my grip.

“Lainey. It’s just us here. You don’t have to pretend to be someone else anymore. I know this isn’t ideal, but you loved me before. You can love me again. I know I have faults, but you’re not perfect either. You’ve done things I’m sure you’re not proud of. Stop fighting this.”

“If you think I’ll ever love you, you’re crazy. You’ve drugged me, kidnapped me, and lied to me. We can’t come back from this.” Her voice is laced with venom.

Fuck, I’m losing my shit. I grip her throat tighter as she gasps for air. I don’t want to do this to her. I don’t want to have to force her.

“Stop saying that. You love me! We can get through this!” I’m screaming at her now, trying to make her understand. Her body relaxes, making me think she’s finally understanding it’s me and her forever.

“Get your fucking hands off of her right now!” My eyes shoot up to see Zep and Thiago standing at the end of the hallway. They both have guns pointed at me, but they won’t shoot with Lainey in the way. They would never risk her life just to take mine. Taking in my surroundings, I notice one of those losers is missing.

Where’s the tall, nerdy fucker? He’s got to be here somewhere. He’s the clingiest of the three, there’s no way he isn’t here. He didn’t come in the front with the other two. I look behind me toward the back door, he’s not there either.

“Ah, nice of you guys to join us. Lainey and I were just talking about our future together, which doesn’t include you. Isn’t that right, baby?” I can see confusion spread across Zep and Thiago’s faces. I loosen my grip so she can speak and let them know how we are going to be together, just the two of us.

“Fuck. You. Greyson. Take him out. Hit me if you have to, but I’ll never love you, Greyson. Never,” she spits out like the firecracker she is. All I can see is red as I use my other hand to pull out the knife I had hidden in my waistband. I see Zep and Thiago flinch, realizing they’re going to have to watch the girl they love either walk away from them alive or die with me. I hold the knife to her neck, slowly pressing the blade into her flesh just hard enough to let her know it’s me or them, but not enough to hurt her too much.

I am undeniably in love with this woman, but if I can’t have her no one else can.


I’m usually the brains of our group and Zep is the muscle, but he couldn’t handle this job. He would fuck it up. I’m not normally the one that does the violence, but I’ll do anything for Lya. Zep is big and scary, but the dude is like a bull in a china shop. He can’t sneak around worth shit. I laugh to myself as I think about Zep’s clumsy ass trying to sneak up on Greyson. Thiago isn’t much better. He might have a natural swagger, but the guy has feet made of concrete, letting everyone know he’s approaching. So it has to be me.

I sneak around the back of the house, while Zep and Thiago go in the front. They’re currently blocking Greyson's exit through the living room. I’m lurking around the corner of the hall where Greyson has a knife to Lya’s neck. The thought of him hurting her makes bile rise in my throat. I will end that motherfucker for even thinking about hurting our girl.

I have to do this perfectly. I can’t tip him off to the fact that I’m behind him. The cold metal of the gun I’m holding fits in my hand perfectly. I don’t plan on shooting him, but I’ll do what I have to to protect the only person in this world that loves me.

I slide around the corner creeping toward Greyson. “Fuck. You. Greyson. Take him out. Hit me if you have to, but I’ll never love you, Greyson. Never,” Lya says. Just the sound of her scared voice makes me want to shoot to kill.

His whole body is tense and his hand holding the knife is shaky. The way he’s acting tells me that he may not actually want to hurt her. I slowly creep closer behind him, waiting for the signal to knock him out.

“Let us out of here and I won’t hurt her.” Greyson tries to barter with Thiago and Zep. I hold my growl in, not wanting to give myself away. He doesn’t know this, but there’s no way in hell he’s getting out of here with my girl. What does he want with her anyway?

“You know we can’t do that, Greyson,” Zep says a little too calmly. Zep has a temper on him but he’s scariest when he’s cool and composed, like he is now.

“I’ve loved Lainey for far longer than you have. I have a right to her. She’s mine and you’re going to let me leave with her!” Greyson’s behavior is getting more and more erratic every time he talks.

Lainey? Did he just say Lainey? My eyes quickly meet Thiago’s, but his don’t linger long enough to draw Greyson’s attention. The same confusion I feel shines through his eyes.

I sneak closer to where Greyson is holding Lya hostage.I’m almost there, baby girl.

“You obviously weren’t paying attention when you were spending time with us. Read my lips, Greyson. We. Will. Do. Anything. For.Lya.You aren’t getting out of here with her,”Zep taunts.

A loud grumble comes from deep inside Greyson’s chest. His grip on Lya tightens at Zep’s words.

Come on brothers, I need you to get him to loosen his grip so Lya doesn’t get hurt.