“What other options do we have?” I ask Rian, as he paces in front of where I’m sitting on the couch.
“Her phone is here and Greyson’s is going straight to voicemail. We can either go check at Greyson’s house or wait here.”
“There’s no way in hell that I’m sitting here waiting,” Thiago growls exactly what I’m thinking.
Thiago’s phone rings, snapping us all to attention. “Who is it?” I demand.
“Unknown number,” Thiago says, before answering and putting it on speaker. “Hello?” He puts on his best salesman voice.
Silence sounds on the other end of the phone before a woman’s high-pitched voice comes through the phone. “Thiago Alves?” The voice sounds familiar, but I can’t quite place it.
“Yeah. Who is this?” Thiago asks.
“Jamie, from Darkest Desires. I was your bottle girl... when you came in for your meeting with Mr. Haskins.” Her voice is wavering from nerves.
“Right now is not a good time. Why are you calling, Jamie?” Thiago questions as I start to pace across the room.
“I heard a rumor floating around that you are looking for Omega.” Her voice comes out as barely a whisper. Her statement stops me in my tracks and the only thing I can focus on now is the voice echoing through Thiago’s phone.
“You know where to find Omega?”
“No, I don’t know how to find him now, but I know the name of who Omega was before he died and someone else took over,” she breathes heavily into the phone.
“No one knows his real name, so how would you know?” Thiago’s suspicion shows in his voice.
“Because... he was going to sell me, but got attached to me and made me his own personal toy.” Her confession surprises me.Why is she telling us this?
Thiago has the same thought. “Why would you tell us this information?” he asks, as he sets the phone down on the coffee table in front of the couch.
“He kept me, but he sold my sister… He might be dead, but if I could give you information to help you stop the trafficking altogether then I’m willing to risk my life by telling you. It won’t bring my sister back, but you could stop it from happening to someone else.”
Thiago sighs as he thinks about his next words. “We won’t tell anyone you told us. We wouldn’t put an innocent life in danger, we promise you that, Jamie.”
“Okay, that’s good…” The line goes silent again.
“What’s the name, Jamie?”
Rian is pacing again, Thiago is running his hands through his hair, and I’m holding my breath as we wait for Jamie to give up the name we’ve been looking for.
“Richard Nash.” The line goes dead as soon as the name is floating in the air.
I let out the breath I’ve been holding in as I scream, “FUCK!”
“Richard Nash, as in Greyson’s father?” Thiago looks between me and Rian.
I can’t even form words right now. I just nod. We’ve let the son of a sex trafficker into our lives and into bed with the woman we love with all of our hearts. Shit. What have we done? There’s no doubt that she’s in trouble right now. She’s in trouble and we put her in this position. We didn’t protect her like we promised.
“She’s in trouble. We have to track down Greyson. I have a feeling that’s where she is.”
“We start with his house then,” Rian adds.
“Let’s go. Take separate cars in case we need to split up,” I say as I go to grab the key to my Ducati. Usually, the vibration from riding my Ducati would get me hard and ready as it purrs beneath me, but not today. Not when all I’m worried about is Lya.
As soon as I pull up to Greyson’s house, I already suspect that he’s not here. I can feel deep down that something’s wrong, but I just don’t know what yet. Thiago rushes to the front door to knock, Rian goes to look in the garage window, and I try calling Greyson again.
“No answer and the door’s locked,” Thiago says at the same time Rian says “The Aston Martin’s gone.”
Fuck! Lya’s car is here, but his isn’t. That only means one thing, he took her somewhere else. He took my girl. Lya’s in trouble and I can’t help her right now. I promised her I would keep her safe. I feel like a useless piece of shit. I should be there getting her away from that fucker. Let’s just hope my training has been enough to help her. Where would he take her?Think, Zep.