Page 53 of Love in Sight

God, I’m sick of this asshole.

Not able to rip my hair out of his grasp, I bring my fingers to his eyes and start pressing down as hard as I can. He screams out, releasing my hair and I bring my hands around his neck, squeezing with all of my strength until he stops fighting me. This time when his body goes limp, I punch him again in the face to make sure he’s out cold.

Not seeing any further reaction from him, I realize I need to get out of here. I pull the knife from his stomach, not wanting to risk leaving it here as evidence. I get up and run out of the apartment toward the door we came through when we got here. The cool air hits me hard once I’m outside, reminding me of the cuts on my arm and leg. The sting of the wind causes me to hiss out in pain.

I escaped. I’m free. How am I going to get out of here? My purse and phone are still in the parking garage and I didn’t think to grab Brandon’s car keys before I ran out of there.Stupid, stupid, stupid!I don’t know how to hotwire a car so my only choices are to walk somewhere to find a phone or risk going back in there for the keys.

I think I’ll take my chances with walking. This apartment building is in the city so it shouldn’t take me long to walk to a nearby business to use a phone. I power walk toward the sidewalk and quickly turn the corner of the building.

My body slams into a wall of muscle. Hands reach out and steady my unstable body, one palm landing on the open cut on my arm, causing me to hiss.

“Lya? What the fuck happened to you?” A familiar voice hits my ringing ears. I look up and instantly recognize the chiseled face and blue eyes looking down at me in concern.

“Greyson?” I ask in confusion. What is he doing over on the West Side? “What are you doing here?”

“I have a business meeting in the building next door,” he says without hesitation. “But that’s not what’s important right now. You’re bleeding. Fuck, your face is swollen. Blaze, what the fuck happened? Who did this to you?”

“B-Brandon attacked me in the parking garage at work and brought me here.”

“Brandon? Where is he, Blaze?” he asks, as his face turns red from anger.

“Up in his apartment. I stabbed him and left him there. I didn’t know what to do. I needed to get out of there.”

“We need to get you to a hospital, you’re bleeding,” he grunts with urgency. I can feel the panic and rage radiating off of him.

“No! Just get me to the guys. Thiago can patch me up. I’ll be fine, I just need to be with them.” One thing that Thiago learned having an abusive father was how to clean and stitch up wounds, which is helpful in this situation.

“Goddamn it! I’m going to kill that fucker if you didn’t already. Come on, let’s get you to my car,” Greyson says as he grabs me by the waist and leads me to his Aston Martin parked across the street. His fingers roughly dig into my waist from how pissed off he is. He has to hold me up as we walk, because my legs are shaking too much.

When we get settled in the car, Greyson connects to the bluetooth and dials Zep’s number.

“Hello,” Zep’s deep voice echoes through the speakers of the car.

“Zep,” I let out a sigh of relief when I hear his voice.

“Lya? What’s wrong? Why are you calling from Greyson’s phone?” Urgency sounds in his voice.

“My phone is probably shattered on the ground of the parking garage. I need you, Rian, and Thiago to meet me at home.”

“I have you on speaker now and the others are here. Tell us what happened, Lya, right now,” Zep growls.

“This is better said in person, just meet us at the house.” I reach over and end the call before they can argue with me. I don’t have the patience or capacity to explain this all over the phone right now so they’re just going to have to wait.

* * *

When we pullinto the driveway, there are three worried guys waiting for us outside. They all run toward the car before Greyson even has the chance to park. My door flies open, not giving me a chance to breathe before they start asking questions.

“What happened?” Rian asks at the same time Thiago roars, “What the fuck?” No doubt from seeing the already-darkening bruise on my face from Brandon’s savage punch.

I know they’re just worried about me, but I really need a few seconds to get my thoughts together before they start in on me.

I give them a sweet smile. “Walk me inside?”

Rian offers me his hand and helps me out of the car. We start walking up the path to the house when Greyson runs around the front of the car and stops me in my tracks.

“Are you okay? I have an extremely important business meeting that I really can’t miss, but you are more important. If you need me here then I’ll stay.”

I shake my head. “No, you go. I have enough protection with these three,” I say as I gesture toward Zep, Rian, and Thiago. Jealousy flashes in his eyes, but it’s quickly covered up by understanding.