His sweet words cause me to spiral into oblivion even more and the tears won’t stop coming. “Zep…”
“Yeah, gorgeous?”
“I try to act like I’ve got it all figured out, but I don’t. I’m scared,” I get out between my short breaths.
Zep’s soft lips linger on my forehead. “I know. I’m scared, too.”
“You are?” I whisper.
“Yeah. It kills me to see you hurting and if something happened to you, I don’t know if I would survive. No one has ever loved me the way that you do. I know I don’t deserve it, but I will do anything to keep it.”
I cup his beautiful face with my hand. “You may think you don’t deserve me because of things you’ve done in the past and things you will do in the future, but you have the kindest heart and you love so hard. You may have a hard, scary exterior, but I’ve seen how soft your heart is for others,” I say as I move my hand to his chest.
“Only for you, gorgeous.”
Laying here talking with Zep is bringing me out of the dark cave I was just in. I give him a small smile and whisper, “That’s all that matters.” Zep’s lips come to mine in a slow, soul-devouring kiss.
“You’re all that matters, Lya.”
I lay my head on his chest so that the rhythm of his heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest can calm me down even more. My fingers absentmindedly trace the tattoos inked across his brawny chest. A smile spreads across my face as I think about all the love I have in my life. We lay there for what feels like hours before we decide to get up.
Ididn’t realize how many pent-up emotions I was holding in until Zep let me release my rage on him. He could have stopped me way before he did, but he let me take out all of the anger, sadness, and despair on him. My knuckles are still throbbing from punching his chest so many times. Thankfully, I wrapped them before I went rogue on him otherwise they would be ripped to shreds. I’m just worried that if my knuckles are like this, I wonder what Zep’s body is looking and feeling like. I know he can take it because he’s insanely tough, but I still feel a hint of guilt over using him as my personal punching bag.
I decide to take a shower since I’m disgusting after that session. The hot water hits my body and I can feel myself relax even more as steam surrounds me. Before I can stop them, tears are streaming down my face again, blending with the water that cascades around me. I thought I got all my tears out on Zep’s shoulder, but I’m still feeling overwhelmed that I can’t stop them from coming.
I slide my back down the cold gray tile until my ass hits the floor. Bringing my knees to my chest, I wrap my arms around them and drop my head on top. My heart still aches thinking about all of the shit that’s been happening. I’m desperate to find Lainey, I’m tired of this asshole wanting to keep me away from Greyson, and I’m just praying I can keep everyone I love safe.
I’m not sure how long I’ve been sitting on the shower floor when I hear the door open, causing my head to snap up. I see the outlines of two large bodies undressing through the fogged-over shower door, letting me know the guys are about to surround me.
Thiago and Rian step into the shower, both looking at me softly with anguish in their eyes. They know I don’t like to be coddled when it comes to my emotions, but right now that’s the least of my worries. Right now, I might actually need them to coddle me.
Thiago bends down, reaching a hand out to me. “Stand up,meu amor,” he says with kindness, pleading for me to rise.
Once I’m standing, Thiago slides behind me as Rian moves directly in front of me. “Baby girl, are you alright?” I look into his hazel eyes as mine fill with more tears. My bottom lip quivers as I try to hold my tears in. I can’t find it in me to say I’m fine, so I just shake my head back and forth.
Thiago wraps his arms around my waist, holding me close to him. “Let us take care of you, then we will go eat some pizza and watch horror movies, your favorite.” I twist my head, looking up at Thiago. Even though he’s a big, tough guy who can take someone out easily, he’s terrified of horror films. I’ve told him it doesn’t make sense, but he still hates them. For him to voluntarily watch a scary movie, it must mean he’s extremely worried about me.
I nod, as he unlatches his arms around my waist to grab the shampoo bottle. Rian lathers up my loofah with my cherry body wash. He leans in and presses the most tender, loving kiss on my lips to let me know he’s here for me. I stay silent as he gently massages the loofah across every inch of my body. It’s nice to have them do for me what I don’t have the energy to do.
The loofah rubs across my nipples, making them pebble from his gentle motions. He slowly glides it down my stomach, making sure he doesn’t miss a spot. I see the lust in his eyes and his cock is sticking straight out begging to be touched, but he doesn’t act on it. He understands the emotions coursing through my body and realizes exactly what I need right now.
Rian drops to his knees as he lowers the loofah in between my thighs and down my legs. My body aches to be touched, but I’m exhausted from the training and crying session with Zep, and I just don’t have it in me right now.
As he washes my legs, Thiago gently massages my scalp, lathering in the shampoo. I lean my head back closer to him, closing my eyes from the pleasure. His hands work though my scalp, causing my body to relax even more. I can feel his hard length pressing into my back, but just like Rian, he understands what I need right now.
“I love you, Lya,” he whispers into my ear as he gently brings his hands down to massage my shoulders and neck.
Thiago slowly spins me around into Rian’s chest, letting the water rinse my hair and body. Rian leans in to softly kiss my shoulder.
“We will find her, baby girl, and we’ll find the stalker and stop him. This will all be over soon.” His voice is calm and filled with confidence. I have no doubt that my guys will do everything they can to end this.
After all of the soap is washed from my body and hair, Rian shuts the shower off. He steps out, grabbing my hand as Thiago follows. I wrap a towel around my body and spin to face my guys.
“Thank you. I needed that. I love you.” My voice is barely over as whisper as it cracks.
Thiago approaches me and places a kiss to my lips. “Always,meu amor. We will always love you. You come first for us.” He steps away, allowing Rian to come closer to me.