Page 39 of Love in Sight

“Stop!” Haskins' head drops to his chest. Thiago stills, turning his attention back to the man we have under our control. “Fine, just leave them alone. Hurt me all you want but they have nothing to do with this.” Hate courses through his voice and his defeated gaze rises to meet mine as he speaks.

“That symbol you asked about is connected to a human trafficking operation. It’s tied with this club, but that has only been a recent development over the past few years. The operation used to work out of warehouses in the Craibridge area, but as technology has advanced, so has human trafficking. Now the operation works both online and throughout clubs across the United States and internationally. Darkest Desires is one of the hubs for the trafficking operation, drawing in some of the most elite customers in Craibridge and the surrounding areas.” He stops to take in a deep breath, but I’m impatient.

“Who runs it? Who do you work for?” My voice is almost yelling, it sounds so different than my usual collected tone.

“I... I don’t know his real name. He only operates under a code name and no one knows his true identity. People have looked and looked trying to figure out who he is, but it’s practically impossible.”

“What’s his code name?”

He hesitates for a moment, likely knowing that he will be deemed a traitor if anyone finds out he’s given us this information. “He goes by the name Omega. No last name, no other name but Omega.”

I nod, wondering if he’s telling the truth or just trying to get us to leave. “If I find out you’ve lied to us, I will make this scene look like it was a child’s birthday party. I will find you, torture you, and watch you bleed out until you’re begging me to end your misery,” I whisper in his ear, and I see goosebumps cover his arms.

The look on his face lets me know he understands the consequences if he’s lied to us. I look to Zep to let him know we need to get out of here. As I step away from Haskins, Zep brings the butt of his gun forcefully down on Haskins’ head, knocking him out cold.

I turn to Rian. “Did you get it done?”

“It’s on there, we’re good to go.” He nods toward Haskins’ computer.

“Alright, let’s get out of here then.”

We all make ourselves presentable again. I adjust my dress, Zep wipes the blood off of his neck, Thiago fixes his hair, and Rian tries to cover up his knuckles as best as he can. Once we look presentable, we walk out of the office, closing the door behind us. We stride through the club and out the door. As the valet pulls the cars around, a smile spreads across my face. We are one step closer to finding Lainey.

I will find you, Omega.


Idon’t want to waste any time in starting to look for this Omega guy, so I tell the guys to hurry, get cleaned up and meet me in my home office. I take a quick shower and change into a pair of shorts and one of Zep’s t-shirts. I have to get comfortable because there’s no telling how long this will take.

Before I head up to my office, I run to the kitchen to grab us some chips and bottles of water. I turn on my computers and get everything set up. The purple lights of my system spark excitement through my body. The adrenaline from our run in with Haskins and the anticipation of searching for Omega bring me to life. I run my fingers over the keyboard and smile to myself.

This is the first lead we’ve had in forever. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited about a lead. It feels like something helpful is finally in my grasp. After years of searching, we have a name, even if it is just a code name. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning.

The guys are soon piling into the office.

“I brought water and chips up for us.” I point to where I placed them on the desk. My words run together from the excitement, but I don’t care.

“Thanks baby. Ready to get started?” Rian asks as he grabs a water and pulls a chair up beside me. Thiago and Zep stand behind us so they can see what I’m doing.

I giddily smile at him and nod. “Let’s do this.”

I turn back to my screens, ready to get lost in the web. In all the chaos at Darkest Desires, Rian secretly installed malware on Haskins’ computer. Now we just have to get in and we can find all his darkest secrets. We could have gotten in through his faulty server, but we were already in his office with his computer so we just made it easier for ourselves.

I quickly stroke my fingers over the keys like they’re part of me. Keying in expressions, atoms, numbers, and symbols is like second nature to me. It takes a while, but I finally find something useful.

“Guys, look!” I shout, causing them to jump up from their seats.

“What exactly am I looking at, gorgeous? You know Thiago and I aren’t like you and Rian,” Zep comments as he looks over my shoulder.

“These are basically advertisements for sex trafficking in our area. This must be how they show the customers of Darkest Desires their newgirls,” I explain as my fingers keep rapidly typing.

“So you’re telling me that they are advertising sex trafficking victims online?” Thiago’s disgust is etched on his face.

“Yeah, they are,” Rian answers for me while I type more strings in search of other advertisements or any document that will get us closer to finding Lainey.

“If they’re on his computer and obviously online somewhere, then why could we never find them?” Thiago asks, as he runs his hand down my back. It causes me to shiver, but I don’t let it distract me from what I’m doing.

“More than likely, they are posting them as unlinked content so web crawlers, like us, can’t access the content. So all the time I spent trying to find information through backlinks was useless,” I explain to him.