“We barely know you. We don’t know what you would do.” It’s Rian that speaks this time as he approaches Zep's left.
Greyson doesn’t cower at their accusations. “I’ll tell you this once. If I knew who was doing this, I would stop it. I would do anything to keep Lya safe.” It’s kind of sexy how he’s standing up to the two men acting like my vicious guard dogs.
I relax my body in an attempt to make Thiago think I’m done fighting him. When his grip loosens, I power through it to break free. I run and throw my body between Zep and Greyson.
“Stop! Please just stop! This won’t help the situation.” I place my hands on Zep’s chest, my back to Greyson as if to protect him from the other guys. Zep’s scowl doesn’t break, his focus staying on Greyson.
“Zep, look at me, please baby. Look at me,” I say, as I pat his chest. I hope I can talk him down. His blue eyes finally fall to mine.
“We’re all upset and looking for someone to blame. Blaming Greyson and fighting each other isn’t going to help. What we can do is go check on Tara.”
Zep nods and relief consumes me, but I won’t be okay until I see Tara is alright.
I take a few seconds and put on my false bravado before striding toward the door. “Let’s go,” I command. I grab the keys to the G-Wagon and toss them to Rian.
* * *
We pullup to the curb outside Tara’s apartment building. Tara lives in one of the nicer sets of apartments on the West Side. Most of the apartments here are run down, but this building was renovated last year, by some rich man from the East Side who thinks he can make up for all the shit he’s done by restoring one measly apartment building.
I rush out the door before Rian can even put the car in park.
“Woah, slow down, hot rod,” Thiago calls as he catches up to me.
“I can’t slow down, it’s Tara we’re talking about. She’s innocent in all of this.” I take off in a sprint up the stairs to Tara’s floor. I frantically knock when I reach her door.
“Come on, Tara. Come on. Please open up. Please,” I plead, as I impatiently wait for the door to open. All four of my guys are behind me now. I knock even louder.
“Open up, damnit!!”
I can try calling her again. I pat my pockets down in search of my phone.Fuck. I left it charging on the bedside table.
I spin around and hold my hand out, motioning for Thiago’s phone again. I hit dial but it goes to voicemail again and again.
“Shit! What the fuck do we do now?” I ask no one in particular.
“We break in,” Zep says calmly, as if that’s a totally normal idea.
It may be nice on the inside, but it’s still located on the West Side. There are bars on all the windows in an attempt to keep people from breaking in. If we want to get in there, we’ll have to go through the door.
“Can you pick the lock?” I ask Zep, though he’s already pulling something out of his back pocket.
He smirks, holding up two small pieces of metal. “I brought these just in case.”
Zep kneels in front of Tara’s door and starts jimmying the lock. As I watch him work his magic, a million thoughts run through my mind as to why Tara isn’t answering the door. The darkest part of my mind goes to the idea that she can’t open the door because she’s dead.
Please be okay, Tara.I’ll never forgive myself if something has happened to her.
A few seconds later, the door swings open and I run inside before the guys can stop me. I look around and nothing seems out of place. It seems normal. I keep going down the hall until I reach her bedroom door. There’s music playing from the inside of her room.
I don’t hesitate as I charge into her bedroom. “Tara!”
Relief surges through my body when I see that my best friend is okay. Unfortunately for her, I’ve barged in on her riding some blond guy’s dick, but I can’t help but feel thankful that she’s alive.
I quickly cover my eyes. “Shit! Sorry!”
“Fuck! What the fuck?” she screeches, as she throws herself off the mystery guy’s body and covers them with the sheet. Her eyes widen when she sees the four men move in behind me.
“You’re okay!” I let out a relieved sigh.