That felt amazing.

I straighten my cuffs and blazer. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a gorgeous wife to take home and please all night long. She gets angry when I keep her waiting,” I taunt with a wink, before storming out of his office.

Rationally, I know I shouldn’t have punched him. He’s almost certain to come after me harder now, but I just couldn’t let him think he can talk about Tara like that. He’s a real piece of shit who deserves to be put in his place.

I rush through the crowded office lobby, then down to the car. I’m glad she’s ready to leave because I need to get the fuck out of here too.

“Let’s go, peasant.”

“Gladly, asshole.”

The drive home is so quiet I can hear my own heartbeat. As soon as I put the car in park, Tara opens the door, ready to bolt.

“Tara, stop.” I put my hand on her thigh, but quickly remove it when I feel her tense beneath me. Her movements halt, but she doesn’t look at me.

“Don’t, Marnix. You made your point. Just stay out of my way. I don’t want to see you unless I have to.” There’s a crack in her voice, like she’s trying to hold back her emotions.

The thought of not being around her slices deeper than I ever imagined. I should do something to make this better. But I don’t know how. I’m not used to apologizing or admitting to my mistakes—ever. I’ve never felt like I had to before.

She’s out of the car and in the house before I can think of a response. My eyes close as my head falls back against the headrest. This girl is doing something to me. She’s slowly chipping away at my hard exterior, digging deep into the emotions I’ve trained myself to hide.

My mind keeps flashing a vivid image of her playing the piano. She looked so peaceful, like she isn’t a sarcastic, annoying woman most of the time. I stood there, watching her get lost in the keys, lost in the notes. She’s damn good.

I can’t get her out of my head; she’s like a virus.

I’m fucked.