I let her in… I started having feelings for her that I’ve never had for anyone else. I let down my walls, let her chip away at my stone heart. All for her to be a fucking traitor for the Draaks. This is exactly why I don’t let people in. They disappoint you. They fuck you over, just to get what they want.
She’s stomped on my black heart. She did this. She’s the reason I’m going to be even more of a monster than I already seem to be.
I’m ready for her to come out of the bathroom laughing at me. She probably stormed off so the grand reveal would be more dramatic.
I’m tired of looking like a fool. I’m out of here; Tara can stay here for all I care.
I turn to leave when she finally emerges, looking like a deer in headlights. I have to give it to her—she’s a great actress. She would win an Oscar for this performance she’s putting on. My angry gaze locks on hers. She’s even got the fear in her eyes down to a T.
She got me good. She pulled one over on the master manipulator himself.
I still need a wife to inherit the firm, but this one’s wrapped me up in her lies and hung me out to dry. I’ll fucking find someone else. This is over.
I hope she can feel the ‘fuck you’ I’m shooting her with my eyes.
Maybe I dodged a bullet.