The blackness swallows me up until I can’t feel or hear anything. Finally, some peace.

Maybe it’s finally happening—I’m free.

I remember.

“You gonna give me what I want?”

Those words brought it all back to me. The nightmare of that night crashes down on me, making me feel nauseous.

For seven years, I haven’t been able to remember what happened that night. It was right before I woke up in the hospital. I’ve tried so hard to get those memories back, but nothing has worked until now. I’m not sure knowing makes me feel any better. Knowing what that fucker did to me, what he got away with.

I always suspected Zayan did it, but I couldn’t remember it. I still don’t know how I got to the hospital. Did Zayan take me?

When I was lucid enough, the doctor told me I’d overdosed and almost died. That if I would’ve waited even five more minutes, I might not have made it. I remember lying in that hospital bed, wishing I would’ve died so I wouldn’t have to see Zayan again. That wasn’t even the worst news I received that day—or the best, depending on how I look at it.

He didn’t visit me in the hospital once, and when I got home, all his stuff was gone. He’d vanished. He didn’t try to contact me after that. Not until now.

Turns out he got a job across the country, and left me high and dry. My guess is that he freaked out about almost killing me and fled, but part of me thinks it was something else. He was obsessed with me; he wanted to control me and there’s no way he would’ve willingly let me go like that. Although I’m glad he left, there had to be a reason.

I don’t know why I didn’t fight back and press charges. I was just happy to be free. So I moved on, started college and met my best friend. When my parents asked what happened, I just told them Zayan and I grew apart and couldn’t see eye to eye anymore. They weren’t happy at all. They were disappointed in me, but I was happy to take that over them knowing how I let him degrade me and use me.

I hate that I let them down, but I was just happy to be free from that hell.

“Tara?” Rush says cautiously, with his arms wrapped around me. He’s keeping me from falling to the ground since my legs feel like Jell-O after the flood of memories.

Zayan chuckles, lightly rubbing his cheek in one of the spots where Rush hit him. Rush’s arms tighten protectively, a low growl escaping him. He’s standing now. I must have been so in my head that I didn’t notice him get up.

I find the strength deep inside and straighten my legs, wiggling out of Rush’s embrace. Zayan is eating up my emotions. I need to hide them before he gets any more power from my fragility. He likes to drink in weakness like a mosquito drinks blood.

I know Rush wants to protect me, but I haven’t spent seven years working on myself—including the last three of them training—to have someone else fight my battles for me.

“Leave, Zayan. Before I call the cops and have your ass arrested.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t before. But then you’ve never been that smart.” He doesn’t go into detail in front of Rush, but I know what he’s talking about.

“Don’t fucking test me, Zayan. While I’m at it, I’ll tell them everything.”

“Won’t matter, little dahlia—it’s past your time.”

Past my time? What does he mean?

Before I can ask, Rush snarls, “She said leave.”

My nightmare is standing right in front of me, and I don’t know if I’m ready to face it. I can tell myself I’m ready all I want, but realistically? I might just crumble under the pressure.