“We kissed a little… Then, uh, I ate her out until she stopped me. She freaked out, then left. That’s it.” He says ‘that’s it’ as if that should make it better. It doesn’t. He had his hands and mouth all over her that night, and lied to my face.

“Why the hell should I believe a word you say?”

“I’m your brother. I’d never intentionally hurt you.” His voice is rough, pained even. He looks like he’s at war with himself about how he should be feeling right now.

My jaw clenches. I do what I know how to do best—deflect. “Alright, say I believe you about the engagement party, that you just needed to get it out of your system. That doesn’t explain last night. You going to tell me you accidentally ended up with your cock inside her?”

“She showed up at my door. She was so pissed at you, and said she wanted to talk. One thing led to another, and we fucked. It wasn’t planned. I’ve been trying to stay away from her, man. We both agreed to stay away from each other.”

The reality of his words sinks in. I pushed her into it. I felt we were getting too close during our kiss last night, and I said hurtful shit to her so she’d hate me.

I pushed her right into his bed.

I fucked it up. Just like my father always told me—I’m just a fuckup.

“Do you think you’re so angry because deep down, you actually like her?” Reilly’s voice pulls me from my thoughts.

“Not a fucking chance. I hate her just as much as she hates me.”

“Then why does it matter if we mess around?”

Because you’re too caring. You love too easily. You’re too fucking good for a girl like her.

Because she’s my wife. That sassy little mouth is mine. She’s mine.

Because I want her, but I’m too afraid to admit it.

“Because I fucking said so. This is only for a year. She’s not the type of girl to stick around. She’s going to use you and hurt you in the end. I don’t want that to happen.” That’s true, but not the whole truth.

Reilly turns into my mom’s driveway and skids to a stop, taking a deep breath before he faces me. “I know you’ve always felt this need to protect me, ever since your family took me in. I appreciate it most of the time, but damn, Nix—I’m twenty-nine years old. Let me make my own damn mistakes. If I want to fuck a girl who’ll forget me the first chance she gets, then that’s my choice.”

Reilly can always stand up for himself—something he and Tara have in common.

But this isn’t just some fuck; he’s already starting to feel for her. I can feel it in the way he looked at me when I found them in bed. If they keep messing around, his heart is going to be served on a platter for her to devour, lick her fingers clean, then leave him shattered and empty.

He might be right about being his own person, but I can’t let this happen. She’ll sink her tiny claws into his impressionable soul and break him into a million pieces, sending him into a spiral, unless I can put a stop to it.

Is that what you’re really worried about? Or are you afraid she’ll fall for him as well?

I hate trying to control his life like this, but this is something I’m certain of. I’ll never be okay with them together, and I’m not done trying to convince him, but I’ll let it go for now.

I nod and grunt. “We’ll talk about this later.”

“If you ever get your head out of your ass, there’s nothing saying we can’t share her. We’ve done it in the past and you’ve never had a problem with it. I think she’d love that.”

“Never in a million years.” Not because I don’t like sharing girls with Reilly, but because I’ll never fuck her.

“You’re missing out, man.”

Is he trying to get me to knock his ass out right now? I’m sure I am missing out, but really, I can find willing pussy anywhere. I don’t need her.

“Shut the fuck up. Let’s go.”

“By the way, man, you may be pissed at me right now, but you have some explaining to do later. Tara told me what happened last night… Her side of the story makes you sound like a real dick. You better have a really good explanation—I don’t wanna have to knock you out.”

I don’t have any explanation at all. I am a real dick. She had every right to be pissed.

For some reason, all I can think about is how Reilly is defending Tara right now—like I should’ve last night. Though I actually did; she just wasn’t there to hear it.

Reilly starts to say something else, but my mom emerges from the house at the perfect time. “My babies! You’re here! I thought you might’ve forgotten about me.”

“We couldn’t forget about you, Mama.” Reilly jumps out, running around to give her a hug.

“You know I love you boys, but where’s my beautiful daughter-in-law?”

This is going to be a long damn day.