“Of course, Nix. And this must be your wife?”
“Tara,” I offer, as the guy goes to extend his hand. Just as I’m about to shake it, Marnix clears his throat, and the guy drops his hand, looking nervous.
“It’s nice to meet you, Tara.” He gives a small smile.
“It’s nice to meet you as well,” I reply, not really interested in making small talk.
“How has your day been?” he persists. He clearly wanted to come over here and impress his boss, and for some reason, he thinks directing his attention toward me might do that.
“It’s gone well. Spent most of it with my dear husband, and then got ready for this extravagant party.” His eyes widen, but I’m unsure of why he seems so shocked. I didn’t say anything too shocking for once.
“Wow. Your English is really good.” He smiles, looking at Marnix like he just had some big revelation.
“My English?” I have no idea what this guy is talking about.
His brows raise. “Oh, I just figured it would be more... broken, since you’re not from here.”
“What are you talking about? I was born and raised in Craibridge.”
The man looks down at his feet, awkwardly chuckling. “Aren’t you a mail order bride? That’s what Randall said.”
What the actual fuck? Of course that sleazeball said something shitty about me. He’s probably planting seeds in everyone's minds, trying to make this look like a sham.
“Randall said what? I’m going to—” Marnix’s body leans into my side, his arm flexing where I’m holding it. I can feel the anger coming off of him. He’s ready to rip this guy to shreds.
“Marnix.” I put my palm on his chest, giving him a fake smile as I grind my teeth together from anger. Turning my attention to the asshole in front of me, I continue to grin. “No, I'm not a mail order bride. My English is good, because that’s my first language. Just because my skin is brown and I have an ‘exotic’ look doesn’t mean I’m not from here. I was born in America. Assuming otherwise makes you look ignorant. So next time before you open your mouth to spill out bullshit, I suggest really thinking about what you’re saying.” I give him one last smile before waiting for his response. Stupid asshole probably doesn’t even understand what’s wrong with what he just said.
“I-I, uh, I’ve got to go.” His face is pale as he sprints away from us, flashing Marnix a look of pure panic.
Turning toward Marnix, who looks like he’s about to commit a mass murder, I pull his attention to me. “Have we been here long enough?”
“No,” he says through gritted teeth. His face is getting red, and his jaw is clenched tight.
“We came, we saw, we conquered—now can we go? These people suck.” I’m sounding whiny, I know that, but after that little display, I have no interest in being here right now. Who the hell does that guy think he is to run his mouth like that?
“We have to stay.” He at least has the decency to look at me like he’s miserable too, but if he were that miserable we could be walking out the door right now.
“I hate the people you work with.” They really fucking suck. The only one I’ve remotely liked so far is Kate and she barely stuck around before going off to talk to other people.
“I hate most of them too.”
“I especially hate—” Fury lights up my veins as I hear the sound of the devil filtering through my ears.
“Oh look, it’s Marnix and Teresa.” I cringe at Randall’s annoying voice.
“Tara,” Marnix says in a clipped tone.
“Sure, sure.” He waves his hand around dramatically, like we’re making a big deal about him calling me by the wrong name. “How’s the marriage going?”
“Well.” Marnix isn’t giving him anything more than the bare minimum. I’m sure it’s obvious just how much he despises Randall, but seeing them together makes it even more clear, thanks to Marnix’s hate-filled eyes.
“Trouble in paradise already? Would be such a shame.” He chuckles. Actually fucking chuckles at the idea of us having marital problems.
“More like trouble with the company in front of me,” I murmur under my breath, knowing I really shouldn’t provoke the dickhead.
“What was that?”
Damn. Thought I was quiet enough.