“You going to have another orgasm in front of me?” He eyes me suspiciously, but I see the way his eyes darken at the thought.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” I purposely move my legs apart, widening them just to tease him.
“Not in the car. You ruin my seats and you’ll be the one cleaning them up.” He roams his gaze over my body, before turning to look out the windshield.
“Was wondering when you’d be a jackass again.” He lasted longer than I expected.
“I always am. Don’t forget it.” Marnix presses the ignition button and the car purrs to life. We drive in a comfortable silence, not saying anything, both stuck in our own heads. Every so often I glance over at him, seeing the relaxed ease of his posture with one hand on the wheel and the other resting on his thigh.
The man is an enigma. Shifting back and forth between being a robotic asshole and actually being human, even joking around. There are times I wish we could get along, but I can’t imagine that ever really happening. Shit, I can barely be around him for longer an hour before we’re ready to murder one another.
We finally pull up out front of a high-rise building with floor-to-ceiling windows. Marnix’s last name is in large fancy letters across the building. Valet parking is stationed out front, and we stop the car in front of them.
“You always use valet?” I ask curiously.
“No, we have a parking garage, but we hired a valet for the night,” he says, before slipping out of the vehicle. A young man opens my door and offers his hand politely. I can overhear Marnix telling the man to not fuck up his car or he’ll pay for it, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. Of course he’s threatening the guy—wouldn’t expect anything less.
Marnix comes around, linking my arm through his as we walk into the building. There are only security guards on the first floor, but we go over to the elevator. The doors close behind us and the air suddenly feels thick.
My grip instinctively tightens on Marnix’s arm, causing his bicep to flex under my hold. He leans into my body slightly, giving me the reassurance I need to put on my best fake charm before going into this den full of predators.
The doors open, and my ears are instantly assaulted with the noise of people talking and soft jazz playing in the background. There are servers walking around with trays of champagne glasses, while I see tables full of appetizers as people mingle with each other. Everyone is dressed nicely, looking extremely professional, and for once, I’m thankful Marnix picked this dress for me. If I’d have picked, I would’ve stuck out like a sore thumb.
We step out of the elevator. Marnix grabs a whiskey glass for himself and asks the server to get me a glass of red wine.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“You told me you were more of a wine girl, so anything for my beautiful wife.” I know he’s acting, but the way he’s looking at me warms my skin.
“It’s not that I didn’t like the champagne, I just don’t—” My words are instantly cut off by a beautiful redheaded woman walking our way.
“Marnix, there you are.” She walks up to him, leaning in to kiss his cheek. I swallow down the low growl that threatens to escape me.
What the hell was that?I almost just growled at another woman over touching a man who’s not even mine. A man who’s just my fake husband.
“Kate, this is Tara, Tara, this is Kate.”
She extends her hand, giving me a firm handshake, never taking her eyes off me. “You were so busy at your engagement party, I didn’t get a chance to say hello. Then I wanted to be at your wedding, but since it was so quick, I already had plans to be out of town that I couldn’t cancel. I hope you understand.” She gives me a genuine smile. One that’s friendly and not hostile, unlike all the other women here.
“We understand. It was pretty fast after we finally told people about our relationship.” I look up at Marnix, who’s staring down at me lovingly.
“Never thought I’d see the day Marnix got locked down. From the looks of it, I’d say he made the right choice.” She gives me a knowing look, like she’s in on our secret that this marriage is fake. Maybe she’s someone Marnix can really trust to keep it quiet. “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I just saw an associate I have a bone to pick with. I’ll catch up with you later.” She reaches out, grabbing my hand and squeezing it before she gives Marnix a smile and leaves.
Turning my attention toward Marnix, I look at him questioningly. “Does she…?”
“Does she, what?” He clearly knows exactly what I’m asking, but is amusing himself playing dumb.
“You know... does she know?” I probably look crazy right now, my facial expressions trying to make him understand without me coming right out and saying “Does she know our entire marriage is a sham and we aren’t really together in the normal manner of a holy union?”
“Sort of. Not the full details, but she knew the provision in the will, and she knows I’m not known for dating long-term.”
“Gotcha.” I nod, turning away to look at the people around us. Most are deep in conversation, and some are laughing, trying to feign interest in what others are telling them. But the general theme seems to be that they’re all fake, just looking for ways to weasel in with the right people.
“Hello, Mr. Taylor.” A younger looking man with sandy blond hair and a small frame comes up to us, looking eager to get Marnix’s attention.
“Charles, I’ve told you to call me Nix. Mr. Taylor was my father,” Marnix says in a harsh tone. Not sure if it’s from this guy's presence or because he was thinking of his father.