He’s fucking getting off on this.

An evil glint sparkles in Marnix’s eyes, as he takes another step forward, crossing his arms over his chest. “What’s it going to be? The money or your pride?”

I’m so close to trying my luck and using the self-defense moves Zep’s been giving me. I could knock his ass out and run for it before he even knows what’s happened.

“Get fucked, Marnix.” I can’t process what the hell is going on right now.

“You already took care of that yourself.”

I’d usually say something snarky back, but my brain can’t form a comeback right now. My legs give out, and my ass falls, crashing down onto my feet underneath me.

If I refuse to go, my family will lose everything we’ve worked hard for, probably within the next few months. I can’t do that to them. One party won’t be too bad, right? Deep down, I know it won’t just be this one time. He’s going to want me to go to other events, do other things, and will hold this over my head for the whole year.

But my family comes first. They always have. If I lose the restaurant, I’ll have nothing. My family will have nothing. I probably won’t even have my family.

“If I go to this party with you on Friday, you’ll keep giving me money for the restaurant?”

The look of victory on Marnix’s face makes me sick. “Jesus, don’t look so pathetic, but that’s correct. You going to listen to me from now on?”

I wring my hands in my lap, staring at them. I can’t be controlled. I refuse to be controlled. At least that’s what I thought. “I’ll go.” I ignore his question. My world feels like it’s crashing around me as the words fall from my lips.

“Good. We’re going tomorrow to find you a dress.”

Now that catches my attention. My head shoots up, my brows arching in confusion. “We?”

“Yeah, we. I obviously can’t trust you to find appropriate outfits, after the stunts you pulled for the engagement party and wedding. I’m going with you, to make sure you don’t embarrass me. You’re a sneaky little thing, so I need to make sure you won’t be committing indecent exposure. I don’t need you showing off your tits to my colleagues again like some whore.”

His words trigger something in me. I flinch at his comment, feeling a physical pain in my chest. Memories flood my brain of the night before I ran from Zayan. “If you’re going to act like a whore, you’ll be treated like one. You think you can just wear this dress, swinging your hips for every fucking man to see, and get away with it?”

Bile tries to escape, burning my throat, but I force it back down. I can’t let Zayan get to me, especially in front of Marnix.

Marnix is trying to tell me what to wear, just like Zayan did. Calling me a whore like he did too. What if I was wrong? What if Marnix is no different from my worst nightmare?

Fear of my past is drowning me. I can’t let him see me like this. He thrives on finding people’s weaknesses and exploiting them for his gain. He’s ruthless and cunning, and won’t let my pain stop him from getting what he wants.

I’ve come too far to let Zayan—or any man, for that matter—control me.

Sorry, Mama and Papa. I tried.

“I’ll wear whatever the hell I want. I spent too long being controlled by a man and I’m done with that… You know what? Fuck you, Marnix Taylor. I don’t care if you give me any more money, I’m not going. I’ll figure it out myself, without you.”

I scramble off the bed and stomp into my en suite, slamming the door behind me. I can’t hold on anymore. Luckily, I make it to the toilet just in time, throwing up all the disgust and fear that’s drowning my body. I feel pressure in my chest, like I’m being held down all over again by Zayan. Like he’s here looking over my shoulder, laughing at the man I chose to marry. The man who’s showing similarities to the monster I escaped.

I can’t stop the tears falling down my cheeks as I lean over the toilet.

I thought Marnix was a better option. But is he really?

My breathing starts to slow as I sit there, with my panty-covered ass on the cold tile floor, leaning my back against the tub. The bedroom door slams suddenly, and I jump. I figured he’d left already, but I’m sure he just heard my breakdown in here.

Fucking Zayan is screwing everything up, and he’s not even here. He’s always been good like that. Always having a presence in my life, even when I’m desperate to forget him and the misery he caused me.

Fuck. Me. What am I supposed to do?