Alavender scent fills the room, invading all my senses. She came strutting in here in a small white tank top and jean shorts, showing off her gorgeous tan, toned body. It’s bad enough that my cock’s straining against my jeans right now, but if I’m being honest, I haven’t been able to get her out of my head for weeks. Not since the day I stormed into her apartment thinking she was being attacked and got an eyeful of her pussy.
Tara’s a gorgeous woman, but I saw more than I was expecting that day, which made me harder than a rock. And the way she fucking attacked me, like she wasn’t half naked and vulnerable? Shit, I’ll never forget that. She’s a fighter and fierce as fuck. She won’t go down without kicking and screaming the entire way, something I can appreciate. I can tell she’s had some sort of training. She's a little sloppy, but her hits still pack a punch, one of which my face is taking its sweet time recovering from.
Marnix gave me the task of protecting her, of watching her every move in public to make sure she’s safe, and I haven’t taken that job lightly. I’ve been observing everything I can about this woman, trying to figure out what makes her tick. She never does anything you’d expect, she doesn’t have patterns, and everything she does screams chaos. She’s strong, independent, and sassy as hell, but she’s also caring and loyal to those who are close to her.
From what I’ve gathered, what you see is what you get. She doesn’t hold herself back for anyone, especially not Nix. It’s fucking intoxicating—refreshing, even—to see someone put him in his place every now and then.
Fuck, I can’t be pining over my boss’s wife. They both claim this isn’t a real marriage, but I’ve seen the way they both look at each other when they don’t think the other is watching. She wants to figure him out and understand what makes him so cold, and he wants to figure out the enigma that she is. Nix claims he can’t stand her, but he could’ve picked any girl to be his pretend wife—yet he chose her.
The way his jaw practically hit the floor when he saw her walking down the aisle proved exactly what he thinks of her. Hell, she captivated all of us with how fucking stunning she looked in that wedding dress. She’s different, and refuses to hide that.
Either way, there’s more than just irritation and hatred between them, but they both fail to see it.
“You trained in this?” The slight rasp of Tara’s voice stops my fingers pounding away on the keyboard. I got so distracted by my thoughts that I completely zoned out on what I was doing. I know this so well, my fingers were just doing the work for me. Like when you zone out on the drive home and don’t remember it at all, but get there anyway.
“Yeah, it started as a hobby, but then I realized I could use it for work.”
“That’s cool,” she says thoughtfully, looking over the code I’m typing out. “My friends are into this too. Well, two of them are.”
“The ones who just dropped your stuff off?” I’ve seen Tara’s friend and all her boyfriends a few times now. I’m not one to judge. I’ve done plenty of stuff in my life I wouldn’t want to be judged for, so it’s none of my business who other people love. If it works for them, that’s all that should matter.
“Yeah. They own VPAC Tech. Rian and Lya are computer geeks. They basically have an orgasm every time they code something, they’re that into it.” She laughs good-naturedly. I can tell how much she cares for her friends, as her face lights up any time they’re around.
It’s good to see her smiling. Since she came back to her reception last night alone—and even when she got back from moving—it’s like a dark cloud has been hanging over her head. I can only assume it has something to do with Nix, considering I could feel the daggers she shot at him through the computer screen just before.
“They own VPAC?” I’m acting surprised by all of this, but honestly, I already know it all. Nix asked me to run a background check on Tara and her known associates. Lya and her boyfriends were at the top of that list so I’m already aware of their relationship and the company they own. VPAC Tech is one of the best marketing and tech companies in the surrounding area. They’ve grown a lot in the last few years, expanding to different cities outside of Craibridge. They even started a nonprofit to locate and take down sex traffickers.
“Yeah, they started from the ground up when we were all in college together.”
“Damn, that’s impressive.”
“I could introduce you to them if you want. Formally, I mean. I know you probably met them in passing at the wedding.” Her emerald gaze seems genuine, looking like she wants to help me out and make connections.
“You trying to poach me for your friends?” I joke with her, knowing I’d never stop working for Nix. He saved me when no one else could. When I could barely save myself. Because of him, my mom and siblings are living comfortably, and I don’t have to worry about whether they have food in the fridge. I can never repay him for everything he’s done.
“Damn, you think highly of yourself, don’t you?” she teases, her hand hitting my arm. The warmth radiates across my skin, but my mind shifts to all of the shitty things I’ve done, remembering all of the pain I’ve caused people, including my family. I don’t deserve the life I’m living or all the people who’ve stuck around.
She must sense the change in mood, because she follows up with, “I’m just messing with you. Lighten up.”
“It would be cool to meet them. Thanks.” My response is clipped, as I try to forget all the thoughts running through my head. She says something in return, but I don’t quite catch it.
I give her a puzzled look, and she grins back. “Distracted by how incredible you are?”
Far from it.
“I said, what don’t you do?”
I’m mesmerized by the silly grin on her lips. “What do you mean?” My brows furrow at her question, not really understanding what she’s asking.
“Well, your resume is getting pretty long. Bodyguard, driver, computer coder, groomsman, guy who gets his ass kicked by half-naked women... Anything else you want to put on that list?” She laughs, but I groan instead.
“You didn’t kick my ass. I wasn’t fighting you back because I didn’t want to hurt you,” I growl.
She chuckles. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“You didn’t—” I cut myself off, knowing I’m not going to win this argument. “Maybe you are the pain in the ass Nix claims you to be.” Her face visibly darkens with anger at the mention of his name.
Shit, that definitely was not the right thing to say.