Once we step foot outside, Rian sets his box down, unlocking the back of the U-haul. Locking it every time we went back inside wasn’t ideal, making it more of an inconvenience than anything, but it was the only way to keep my stuff safe. On the West Side, if you don’t keep an eye on your belongings, they’ll be gone in a second. On this side of the tracks, it’s not about the crime. It’s about survival.
“I’m going to give back my keys real quick while you guys load the last of it,” I say, walking toward the little office across the street. The office manager, Lee, is amazing. I’m glad I have to report to him instead of the East Side asshole who bought the apartment building.
Any problem no matter how small, Lee’s been on top of it right away. He’s always been extremely nice, and I’ve been lucky to have had such an awesome landlord—even if he did give Marnix a copy of my keys.He keeps a small office right by the building, as he needed the extra space when the owner bought four more apartment buildings nearby.
When I reach the corner, I look both ways to make sure no cars are coming before crossing. Something catches my eye as I reach for the office door. My gaze flicks down the street, and I freeze.
My breath hitches, feeling like my lungs are collapsing. It feels like a freight train has slammed right into me.
No, no, no.
Lingering outside the little diner about a block away is my worst nightmare. The man who haunts my dreams. The man who put me through hell. A demon in the flesh.
Zayan leans against the red brick with a foot propped against it, staring down at his phone. He’s wearing all black, his dark hair slicked back, looking leaner than the last time I saw him. His face is scruffy with stubble, but just as deceivingly handsome as I remember.
His dark eyes have a way of hypnotizing you, letting you believe he’s the greatest man in the world, until the mask comes off and the monster appears.
My hand grips tightly around the handle to Lee’s office. This can’t be real. Zayan isn’t here. He’s not thirty feet from me, while I’m alone here. While I’m exposed for him to do whatever he’d want with me.
Lya and the guys are right around the corner. If something happens, they won’t see, but maybe I can scream loud enough for them to hear.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I shake my head, hoping this is my imagination playing a sick game with me. Slowly opening my eyes again, I sigh with relief.
The sidewalk is empty.
It wasn’t real. He’s not here. Fuck, I need to get some rest. I’m getting paranoid.
Opening the door, I slip in, letting it slowly close behind me.
“Hey Tara, you okay? You look a little pale,” Lee asks, concern painting his face. My body is still trembling and I feel lightheaded, but I don’t want to explain that my mind is conjuring up people who aren’t really there.
Play it cool.
I give him a soft smile. “I’m good, Lee. Just really gonna miss this place.”
“What can I do to get you to stay?” he pleads, but I just give him a sad look. “I can’t believe you’re leaving me. You’re my best tenant. Now I have no one who’ll pay rent on time.”
I chuckle, handing my keys over. “That’s what married life will do to you. Husband thinks we should move in together? What a strange concept,” I tease, trying to shake off the dark cloud lingering around me.
“Very strange indeed. Marriage can be a real bitch. If you ever need somewhere to stay again, give me a call. I’ll kick any of these other fuckers out for my best tenant.”
I’ll be calling you in a year.
I reach my hand out. “Deal.” He takes it, shaking it. “I’ve gotta get my stuff moved, but I’ll keep in touch. Thanks for having me all these years.”
“No problem, Tara. Congratulations on getting married.”
I smile. “Thanks.” As I head out the door, I turn, my eyes instinctively glancing to where I thought I saw Zayan earlier. Still nothing.
I must be going fucking crazy. With his flowers randomly showing up, it’s got me even more on edge than normal. Hopefully being in Marnix’s fortress will at least keep me somewhat protected.
I rush across the street and jump into the truck beside Thiago, while the others follow behind us in Lya’s car. “Let’s get out of here.”
* * *
“You should’ve just letme hire people to handle this.” Marnix looks bored as he watches us carrying boxes. Surprised the asshole’s even talking to me, since he ran like a little bitch last time we were in the same room.
“Oh shit, barely saw you there. Thought you were a ghost,” I spit at him, still feeling angry about the way he made me feel last night.