“Care for a dance?” My eyes shoot up, following the deep, raspy voice. I’m met with those unique gray eyes I haven’t been able to get out of my head for months. He’s being bold right now, asking me to dance in front of everyone, but I can’t resist.
Marnix is off chatting with some colleagues, and both Lya and Lainey are out on the dance floor, swaying to the beat of the song echoing through the speakers. Greyson has his arms tightly wrapped around Lainey like someone’s going to steal her away, while Rian spins Lya around, lost in bliss with his girl.
I know I shouldn’t want to dance with him, but something about Cohutta draws me in. He’s like a magnet I can’t seem to escape. One that I need to stay far, far away from.
Honestly, after my rudely interrupted sex dream this morning, I can’t control my thoughts about wanting all three of them. Getting tangled in the sheets with Rush, Cohutta, and Marnix would be the hottest shit I’ve ever done in my life.
My wildest dream would come true.
Too bad Marnix doesn’t want anything to do with me, plus he’s way too controlling to be the sharing type. Rush wouldn’t risk his job or his friendship for me. As for Cohutta, I don’t really know what the hell’s going through his mind. It’s like one minute I see his deep hunger for me, and the next he looks guilt-ridden and full of anxiety about Marnix finding out.
Looks like my fantasy won’t be coming alive anytime soon.
“Still with me, wild girl?”
I snap out of my thoughts, staring up at Cohutta again. I guess it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to dance with him. I mean, he’s my new husband's best friend, so people might think it’s sweet that we get along.
“Might as well,” I huff, standing to take his outstretched hand.
He grins. “Well, don’t seem too excited or people might think you’re actually enjoying your wedding day.” His words make me wonder whether Marnix’s guests have thought the same.
That fucking prick Randall Crowe has been sending me evil glares all night, giving me the sense that he’s just waiting for me to screw up. I’ve never wanted to throat punch a person more than I have that guy. He gives me really bad vibes. The type that makes you shiver just at the thought of being in the same room as him. I have no proof, but it honestly feels like he’s up to something—I just don’t know what.
Cohutta leads me to the dance floor as the small orchestra plays the instrumental to Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud.” I still can’t believe Marnix hired a live orchestra with violins, harps, and a piano, though I shouldn’t have been surprised. Only the fanciest for Marnix Taylor.
I’m mesmerized by the woman’s fingers caressing the black and white keys of the piano, remembering how much I used to love playing. It was my escape. The sweet melodies used to calm my broken soul anytime I was feeling the pressure from my family, or the impending reality that we weren’t in a good place financially. My fingers itch to play, but I can’t right now. It will bring out too many emotions inside me.
“I haven’t had a chance to tell you yet, but you look beautiful today.” Cohoutta’s rich voice filters through my ears, pulling me from my memories. He’s smiling down at me, with a warmth that makes my body tingle. Being this close to him is a dangerous game, especially with the audience we have right now.
“Just today?” I wink at him with a playful grin.
“Since I first met you, I haven’t been able to look away.” He pulls me closer into his body, with his hand resting on my hip, right where the top of my skirt sits. The heat from his palm seeps into my bare skin. “Even the henna lining your hands is sexy as hell. I’d like to put ink on you permanently. Mark that beautiful skin with my art. Would you let me?”
“I’ve never thought about actually getting one done.” It would be cool, but I’ve never found something I’d like to see every single day, knowing it would never wash away.
“If you do decide to get one, you come to me, got it? No one else gets to put ink on this body but me.” His possessiveness has my stomach fluttering. I’ve seen his art and it’s incredible, so I know he’d do an amazing job.
“Got it.” I smile widely at him, drinking in his handsome features. “You know, you clean up pretty nice yourself. You could almost pass for one of these boring assholes.” I gesture to the rich pricks dancing around us. In all honesty though, he could never be one of these guys—he’s way too exciting to be like them.
“Is that what you’d prefer?”
“Nah, too vanilla for me.”
He throws his head back, laughing. “Mmm, don’t I know how much you prefer being a dirty, dirty girl.” His hand slips slightly lower down my body, making me groan softly. He pulls me close enough to feel his muscular chest pressed against me. His entire body controls me in this moment; I move under his every whim, responding to the way he’s driving me.
“Cohutta...” I warn, looking into his gray eyes.
“What?” He’s giving me the most innocent look, like he’s not doing anything wrong right now.
“You know what.” I try to shift back from him and subtly move his hand up my waist, but he doesn’t budge. “Don’t make me knee you in the balls right now. I’d just blame it on my clumsiness while you’re crying on the floor.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” A touch of fear flashes through his eyes.
That’s right, I’m unpredictable. You never know what I’ll do.
“Try me.”
“Maybe I should, if it gets you near my balls again.” I know he’s joking, but the hint of seriousness is almost sad. I can feel his conflict, the way he wants to be near me but also as far away as possible. He clearly wants to protect Marnix while still getting his fill of me, but he can’t have both.