My core heats even more when I meet Marnix’s ocean blue eyes. Holy shit, he’s sexy when he’s angry and horny.
I’m only holding on by a thread. I want to let loose, but I also don’t want this to end.
Marnix speeds up, and adds two fingers, pumping them in and out. “You’re going to come for me, peasant,” he growls.
I can’t hold on any longer. My walls clench around his fingers, an explosion rocking m—
“Tara!”A squeal jolts me awake, as the bed beside me dips down.
“Lya.” My voice is groggy and rough. As I slowly become more aware of my surroundings, I realize the good time I was having was only a dream, and my hand is in my panties. I quickly pull it out, hoping Lya didn’t notice.
God, am I really that desperate?
“It’s your fake wedding day. Wake up.”
Grabbing my pillow out from under my head, I put it over my face and groan. “Do I have to?”
“I would say no, but lord knows your dumb ass won’t listen to me.”
“Fuck you.”
“No thanks. I’ve already got three needy dicks at home, don’t need to add your pussy to the mix.” Her words just bring back memories of the wet dream I was having when she so rudely woke me up.
“How’d you even get in here?” I know Rush didn’t let her in. He told me he’d be gone early in the morning to go through some stuff with Marnix.
Lya yanks the pillow away from my face, giving me an are you serious look. “You know I have expert lock-picking skills. But even if I didn’t, your door is a piece of shit. All I’d need to get in is a credit card. That’s the only good thing about you marrying this jackass—at least I’ll know you’ll be safer at his place.”
Honestly, I feel the same. Marnix isn’t pleasant to be around, but anything’s better than Zayan. I’ve been more on edge since I came home to the flowers in front of my door. Lya’s right; it’s so easy to break in. He could’ve easily broken in that day.
I can’t wait to get out of this apartment. I’ll be safer from Zayan, though I can’t help but wonder if it will be better.
Every single day for the last two weeks, I’ve been wondering if this is the right choice. My parents have continued to call me nonstop, pressuring me to call him. I’ve started to ignore their calls, just so I don’t have to disappoint them any more than I already will by getting married behind their backs. My mind also races with worry, wondering if I should’ve just accepted Lya’s help and tried to convince my parents Zayan will never be the right choice for me.
Maybe I should call it off.
Here I am on my wedding day, thinking about how I’m ready to fucking bolt. I’ve seen that movie Runaway Bride a few times, and right now, I’d be more than happy to pull one of those moves and get the fuck out of here. I know this isn’t a real marriage and it’s just a year of my life that I’m locked in, but the entire process is fucking real.
This is a commitment, a huge one, even if it is a fake one.
My neck begins to feel itchy, and I’m fidgeting like crazy, still trying to determine if I’m going to run or not. I take a deep breath, calming my nerves. There are worse situations I could be in. This one really isn’t that bad.
I’m doing this for the restaurant.
For my family.
And most importantly, to get away from a monster.
“Alright girl, we’ve gotta be at the manor in thirty minutes. Marnix’s mom was adamant about us getting ready there with a hair and makeup team, and I don’t want to ruin that poor woman’s dreams. She seems really happy about having you join the family.”
I groan, knowing just how much I’ve come to enjoy having Rose around. She’s the nicest woman I’ve ever met. It’s surprising how an asshole like Marnix can come from an angel like her. It’s only been a couple weeks since I met her at the engagement party, but we’ve grown pretty close with the wedding planning.
She’s practically planned this entire thing, saving me from turning it into a shitshow. But I’ve helped a little. When I told her I wanted to incorporate elements of my heritage, she was ecstatic and more than accommodating. She loved the idea and ran with it. The woman sure does her research.
She’s worked so hard to make this perfect. I owe it to her to make it a good day, even if I feel bad about the whole thing being fake. She has no idea it’s all going to be over in a year. That her dreams of having me as her daughter-in-law will crash and burn in such a short time.
I never imagined someone would actually get hurt from this little deal.
Getting out of bed, I quickly shower and get dressed in the white silk shirt and shorts set that Rose bought for me. Lya and Lainey are waiting, so we grab some breakfast bars and head toward the manor. The drive is quick, and upon arrival, I’m ambushed by a team ready to whip me into shape for the wedding. It doesn’t take long before I’m looking like an actual princess, ready to take over the throne and become a queen.