Her eyebrows knit together. “I got lost. This house is so big, you need to hand out maps at the front door so people know where the hell they’re going.” That might’ve been true if the bathroom weren’t right off from the foyer, making it pretty damn easy to find your way back.
There's a gleam in her eye that makes me think she's lying. I don't know why she would be though. Was she looking for something to blackmail me with? Is she trying to get out of this? There’s an office down there that she could’ve been snooping through.
“You walked right past the bathroom.”
Uneasily, she shifts back and forth on her heels. Tara knows exactly where she was. I’m going to find out what she was up to.
“I got confused on which way to go when I left the bathroom. These halls all look the same; it's like a maze around here.” Her voice sounds confident, but the way she’s fidgeting makes me think she’s lying.
I don't believe her.
My sneaky little fiancée was up to something.
But I don’t have time to interrogate her right now. “I was just coming to find you. You’ve been gone for a while, so let’s go,” I growl.
Her cheeks redden, and the expression on her face looks almost guilty. She's keeping something from me. I don't do well with people lying to me. If she wants this marriage to be smooth and painless, she’ll learn real quick to always tell the truth when I ask her a question.
“I didn't realize I had to tell you my every movement, Your Highness.” There's her sassy fucking attitude. It was weird before, seeing her acting like a normal person in front of everyone. She was proper and polite, even nervous. It kind of made me miss the challenge, miss her fighting me every step of the way.
I take her chin between my fingers, staring deep into her eyes. If anyone were to walk around the corner, they’d think we’re having a sweet moment, but it’s far from it. “If I want to know where you are at every waking moment, you tell me, peasant.”
“Peasant?” she snarls.
I chuckle. “You backed yourself into that one, wife. If I’m important enough to be Your Highness, what does that make you? A peasant.”
“You’re a fucking asshole, Marnix. I’m already counting down the days until I can get away from you.”
“I never claimed not to be. You knew that before you signed the contract, so you can’t be surprised that I’m exactly who I’ve always been.” She growls at my words and opens her mouth, probably wanting to put me in my place, but I don’t let her. Dropping her chin, I grab her arm. “Let's head back to the party. Dinner's almost ready.”
She pushes a piece of raven hair behind her ear, and my eyes follow the movement, catching sight of her perfectly smooth neck. I might not be able to stand the girl, but I'm not blind. I know my fiancée is beautiful.
As much as I hate to admit it, that may have been one of the reasons I chose Tara over some polished, drama-free girl from the East Side. She's a pain in my ass but definitely the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid eyes on.
If I have to be married for a year, my wife might as well be nice to look at.
I could’ve chosen someone who doesn't fight with me every second of the day, but that wouldn't be any fun. I’ve always been one who loves to take the hard route. It’s only for a year, then I can go back to casual fucks with no strings attached.
Honestly, I’m not even sure I’m making sense to myself anymore. She drives me mad, but I like it. She makes me crazy, but I enjoy the challenge she sparks in me. None of it makes sense.
Tara wraps her hand around my bicep, and we head back into the party. We’re almost to the turnoff for the foyer when I hear a door close behind me. Glancing back, I catch Reilly coming out of my office.
What the hell was he doing in there?He should’ve been out at the party, grabbing a drink like he said. Suspicion fills me, knowing Tara just came from that way as well. Is there something going on behind my back that I don’t know about?
I force my body to relax, knowing that Reilly wouldn’t do that to me. He’s the most loyal person I know, always by my side even when I’m being a fucking dick.
My future wife may irritate the hell out of me, but there'sno way in hell I’m letting her fuck around with him. It wasn't in the contract, but my best fucking friend is off limits. I know I can trust him to understand that line, but who knows what she’d do to try to get under my skin.
She can fuck whoever she wants, just not him. He’s too good, with his soft heart and selflessness.
I won't let her ruin him.
Stopping in my tracks, I look down into Tara’s green eyes. “You go on ahead. I’ve got something to take care of. I'll be right out.” She goes to walk away, but I catch her arm, pulling her back to me. “Don't forget what happens if you fuck up,” I warn her.
She rolls her eyes, huffing as she walks away, mumbling something under her breath. If I had to guess, she’s damning me to hell right about now.
As she heads back into the foyer, I watch her ass bounce in that dress she obviously chose just to defy me. She wanted to piss me off, and god knows, it worked. But I also can’t help but stare at the way it hugs her curves in all the right places. My eyes don’t leave her until she turns the corner.
When she’s no longer in sight, I turn my attention to Reilly. “What were you doing in my office?”