Hurting her would hurt me.
I shove my fear for Tara down, and keep my walls up. I casually chuckle, hoping it sounds believable. Like I’m not worried. “Now that you’ve got that off your chest, I’d leave before the cops get here.”
Rex laughs again, slapping his knee like this is the funniest thing in the world. “See you around, Taylor. Tell that bombshell you fuck at night that my boys are ready to show her how to take a real cock.” He raises his gun, shooting the keypad.
My stomach twists at the thought of any of them touching Tara. The room feels like it’s closing in on me, and all I can see is red. “Rush, if they don’t leave, call the cops.”
“Yes, boss.”
I start to head out the door, but pause. “And Rush, you don’t ever take your eyes off Tara. If she goes to the bathroom, you are right outside with your ear to the door, or you go in with her for all I care. Sleep on the floor beside her bed if you have to, but they can’t fucking have her. No one touches her. No one even gets within five feet of her. Until the threat is gone, she has your full attention. Got it?”
Rush nods, determination in his eyes. He’s the best man for the job, and I trust him with Tara’s life.
With one last look at Rush, my conversation with Tara comes back to me, and I add, “When you have time, look through my dad’s shit again… and look through my mom’s too.”
I hate that Tara put the thought in my head, but she may be right. I might have better luck if I open up my search, even if I do trust my mom.
I stomp out and up the stairs, lingering by Tara’s door. I’m tempted to barge in there just to lay eyes on her. I need to make sure she’s okay. To make sure she hasn’t vanished in the ten minutes she’s been out of my sight. I clench my fists by my sides as I fight with myself on whether to do it.
As much as I want to, I just can’t. Growling at myself, I move past her door and lock myself in my room. God, I need someone to fucking bolt my door shut so I don’t storm down there, steal her, and make her sleep in my bed.
To make sure she’s safe, of course.
My dick knows that’s a lie. That wouldn’t be the only reason.