Page 10 of In Heat

Fuck. I bet her nipples were hard as fuck against my shirt, the soft material permanently marked by her piercing tips. Licking my lips, I imagine the way her tits would feel against my hands. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I go to bed. No more thoughts of Catherine Sellers. She’s an eighteen-year-old girl with a crush on the guy next door.

Hell, she might just be doing it as a dare. God, way to crush my ego.

I close my eyes and let those thoughts fill my brain, and my cock finally takes a break, letting sleep come.

Chapter Seven


For the next three weeks I do my best to ignore little miss hot pants and focus on the fact that it’s wrong to want her. She’s done the same, and it proves that the stolen shirt had been a tease. I leave in two days when my mother returns, so it’s not like I’ll be thrown back into temptation’s path again. Still, today she’s standing outside when the UPS driver arrives. It’s not the usual guy that comes. This guy happens to be much younger, and a growl rips through my chest. He’s staring at her as he chats her up like they’re more than friends. It pisses me off.

“Are you okay, Mr. Bellamy?” Charlotte asks, drawing attention to me.

“It was the cat.” The lie is completely unbelievable, and the look on her face says it all.

“I didn’t know you owned a tiger,” she teases, knowing damn well what she’s doing.

“Are you always trouble?” I tell her.

“Yes, she is.” Callahan comes up and grabs her arm, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to drag her away from me. The fucker is jealous for no reason because I have no interest in her.

“What do you got there, sis?” Cal asks Cat, who had been chatting with the young guy until I let out that animalistic snarl.

“None of your business. Anyway, let go of my friend. We have stuff to do before she leaves for work.”

“Yeah, fat head.” She tugs her arm free and sticks out her tongue at him.

“I’ll give you a fat head,” he mutters under his breath. I’m the only one who heard that because the girls skip into the house, ignoring the both of us. I bet he wants her tongue right on it because I want his sister’s soft pink tongue on my cock every waking minute.

“You’re lucky that you’re leaving in a few days.”

“Don’t you live somewhere else too?” I question.

“Yeah, but I like to watch out for my sister. She’s got a boyfriend now.”

“Boyfriend? I haven’t seen anyone coming and going?”

“No, but I’m guessing it’s someone at the mall. You know how it is. She’s keeping it a secret, and my parents are worried since they’re away on vacation again.”

“Vacation, again?” They had just returned last week.

“Yes. They’ve been getting all their time in since my dad retired.” I learned he’d just retired the day they came over to introduce themselves. She’s still a doctor at their clinic, but she’s time off.

“Damn. Good luck with those two. I’m glad I only have a cat to keep an eye on.” I don’t let on that I’m talking about his sister and the fact that I’m going to find out about that boyfriend and crush his fucking balls in a vise for touching my woman. That’s what I get for holding back. I’ve waited and waited, and now her little ass got a boyfriend. If he so much as touched her, I’ll tear him to shreds.

“Tell me about it,” he says, turning his head to look for Charlotte. The man is fucking a goner as far as I can see.

“I have to run some errands. I’ll see you later,” I mutter, heading to my car. I want to snap my phone in two, but I have a lot of work to do as I think about how I’m going to find this boyfriend of hers. First thing’s first, I have to make a call to my lawyer just in case I end up in jail tonight. Second, I scroll through all her social media and look for anything remotely close to something more than a polite acquaintance. There are a couple of fuckers that need to stop eyeing my girl, but Callahan has done an excellent job of reminding them that he’s not afraid of going to jail.

“Who are you, you little prick?” I ask the screen on my tablet before tossing it in my passenger seat. The entire day I spent hunting down her lover, and I got nowhere. Fury burns intensely, and yet, it’s fucking pointless. She’s going to have to give me answers.

Chapter Eight


“Where did he go?”

“I don’t know, but he totally lost it when you were talking to Jeremy,” Charlie says with no little bit of pleasure in her voice. “Let’s take a look at it.”