Page 9 of In Heat

“Are you going to pet it?” I ask.

“Pet? So much more than pet. I’m going to make you purr over and over, my little kitten,” he growls, crawling over me with his large body. A loud slam of a car door startles me out of my mood, and I gasp. Shit.

I left the fucking window open. Catching my breath, I hope to fucking hell I wasn’t saying that shit out loud.

“Come here, kitty. Damn it, kitty. Get back here,” Gabriel snarls. I jump out of bed and bolt to the window to see what’s happening.

“Everything okay, Mr. Bellamy?” I call out.

“Sorry, Catherine. My mother’s cat decided to break free and run out the door as soon as I gave her a chance. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“I wasn’t sleeping. Do you need help to find her?”

“No. Whose shirt is that?” he asks

“Um…goodnight, Mr. Bellamy.” I close my window quickly and dash into my closet to switch out of his shirt and into my pajamas. Once I’m tucked into bed, I close my eyes and sigh, “Orgasm ruined again. I might die a freaking virgin.”

Chapter Six


“How the fuck am I going to sleep with those words on my brain? Orgasm ruined again. I might die a freaking virgin.”

I damn nearly barreled through their front door and up the stairs to kidnap her pretty ass, taking care of her orgasm and tearing that fucking shirt off her body after asking who the fuck it belonged to and then hearing those words from her lips.

My Cat wants to come. Who else has been cockblocking you, princess? I startled her with the door, but who did she get the shirt from? Where had she been with that little shit Charlotte before she’d snuck into the damn house? Damn it, I’m going to have to pay more attention to her comings and goings.

I replay the footage from earlier of her slinking into the house in a pair of tiny shorts and a big, black hoodie with her friend in tow just in time for Callahan to question them. When they head up to the bedroom, I realize the battery for that camera is dead. Figures. I couldn’t find out who that shirt belonged to or what she was doing before I rudely interrupted her private performance.

I decide dealing with my dick is the only thing that’s going to get me through the night. Whipping that fucker out, I stroke it nice and slow, working up a rhythm, picturing my sweet girl next door opening her legs for me, asking me to take away the ache. No, begging me to take away the ache like the hungry little girl that she is.

She’ll call out my name as I slide into her insanely tight hole, tearing her in two as I claim her virginity for my own. Every twisted second that passes, I do my best to fight the hunger, but I long to be inside her. Catherine has me by the balls and the bratty little teen on her way to college, for a degree in who the fuck knows what doesn’t even know what she’s doing to me.

I stroke my cock two more times before exploding, letting my nut coat my fingers like a teenage boy who has no fucking control. Reaching over to grab something to wipe it with, I’m struck by the reality that someone was in my room. I turn my head and notice that my pillows are facing the wrong way. Having grown up with a strict father, making my bed perfectly had been so ingrained I always do it even at my age.

Fuck. I spent time getting into Cat’s house and setting up security that I didn’t think to worry about my mother’s house. She doesn’t want cameras in her home because she feels like it’s an invasion of her privacy, and after the life my abusive father gave her, I understand why she doesn’t like being under a microscope, but fuck. Who was in my room and why?

Digging through everything, I start looking for any signs of someone digging through my things, and then that’s when I find it. “Oh, fucking little kitty Cat. You were in my room. Why?” A sinister grin comes over my face. “I know whose shirt that belongs to.”

I think about what I’m going to do about her coming over here. What can I do? Do I tell her parents or just have a private chat and tell her it’s wrong to break into someone’s house? How did she get in here? That damn friend of hers, that’s for sure. But why? That’s the biggest question. She stole the shirt I was wearing when I saw her for the first time. Did she like it? Or was she just trying her cat burglar skills? Paying me back for embarrassing her, maybe or the fucking jerking off in front of her like an asshole. Damn it, I’ve earned this, haven’t I?