Page 28 of Indebted

Unless he always knew this was going to happen this morning and made it a point to be out of the house when it did. Fucking coward. No wonder he was so nice to me. It was all because he knew he wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore afterward. And there I was, smiling and happy in letting myself believe… I don’t even want to think about it now, what I believed even when I knew it was a mistake.

I guess there’s one good thing about this. One little slice of happiness I can hold onto. “Can I make a phone call? I need to let somebody know I’m coming home.”

Gee, what a great guy he is. He nods, and gestures toward the phone sitting on a desk. “By all means. Take your time.” I have to remind myself not to roll my eyes or get sarcastic. I just don’t see where he gets off acting like some generous gentleman.

I wish my hand wouldn’t shake like it is as I lift the receiver and dial my sister’s number. Obviously, Jock trusts me, since he leaves me alone in the study. Then again, I guess there isn’t much I could mess with in here.

The phone rings on the other end. I wish it didn’t feel so much like I’m falling apart inside. He couldn’t even be bothered to stick around and say goodbye. Maybe that’s what last night was. His way of letting me down easy. A night of tenderness before he punked out and had his underling to the dirty work. I was such an idiot, letting my guard down like I did. The things I said to him—God, how I wish I could take them back. I want to take it all back.

After what seems like forever, the ringing stops. “Finally,” I whisper. “You had me worried.”

“Who is this?”

The question hits me like a bolt from the blue. I don’t know the voice—female, older. Too old to be my sister. “Who is this? Did I dial the wrong number?” No, the readout on the phone’s screen says I dialed Deanna.

“Who were you trying to reach, miss?”

“My sister.” Even now, I have to be careful. I was obviously wrong about so much when it comes to Luca. Who’s to say he wouldn’t claim her after all this? I can’t let anybody overhear the specifics.

“And what is your sister’s name?”

I have to lean against the desk when my legs go weak and the room starts to spin. Goosebumps pebble my arms, legs, the back of my neck. “Who is this? Why do you have my sister’s phone? Where is she?”

“Miss, the owner of this phone is currently in the ICU at Saints Memorial Hospital.”

Somebody hit me. Hard. In the stomach. That must be why I can’t take a breath, why I double over in pain. I force myself to pull in a breath so I can ask, “What happened? Why? How is she?”

“I’m sorry, I’m not at liberty to give away such information over the phone. You’ll have to come to the hospital and explain how you’re related to the patient.”

“But she’s alive?” Am I actually saying this? Is this real life?

“She is.”

“That’s all you can tell me? Please, give me something. This is my sister we’re talking about. My twin sister. Please,” I beg, my voice thick with tears.

“I’m sorry. As I said, she’s here in the ICU. You can find out for yourself when you come.” With that, she ends the call. And I’m left almost draped over the desk, frozen in shock.

Deanna. My Deanna. Alone in a hospital. I don’t know if she’s awake, if she’s aware, anything. And I wasn’t there to help her. I wasn’t there to stop this. She needs me.

How do I get to her?

All of a sudden, I don’t care so much about Luca or any of it. Screw him, as far as I’m concerned. Or maybe I should thank him, because he’s reminded me of what really matters. And it certainly isn’t him.

Where is Jock? I walk out to the hall on shaking legs, looking in both directions, but I don’t see him. Would he help me if I asked? Probably not. The way he talked to me before, I think I’d rather choke on my own tongue than ask him for a favor, not even something like this. Knowing him, he would want every detail, and I don’t think I can afford to give him that, either. This is tricky. He’ll want to know why I want to go, and it would mean admitting everything. I can’t trust him.

But who can I trust? Aside from Nora, who I doubt would be any help in a situation like this, I don’t exactly have any friends around here.

“Oh, it’s good to see you up and around.”

I almost jump out of my skin when Vincent calls out to me from down the hall, near the stairs. He must have just come down. Right now, he looks like the savior I didn’t know I needed until a minute ago.

I hold a finger to my lips, running down the hall while his eyes widen in surprise. “I need your help,” I whisper, taking him by the hand and pulling him into the closest room.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m in trouble. Somebody I love is in really bad shape. Please, I have to get to the hospital. Saints Memorial. It’s an emergency.”

He’s too confused to react. “And where is my brother? Why can’t he—”

“Some kind of important meeting. He left Jock here, but I… can’t tell Jock. I can’t get into it right now.” I can’t help the tears that well up in my eyes. I’m not putting them on or using them to manipulate him. In fact I sort of wish I wouldn’t cry, since I’m already stuffy enough thanks to my half-healed nose. “Please, I have to go to her. I don’t even think she’s awake. What if she—”

“Okay, okay.” He heaves a sigh, rolling his eyes until he’s staring at the ceiling. “I get the feeling my brother is going to kill me for this, but let’s go.”