
Ari’slowmoanswere caresses in the air as I kept thrusting into his pliant body. Not wanting to jar him as he settled into a drowsy state, I acted with care, slowly sliding into his body. His back relaxed, and his breathing evened out as if my deep strokes were lulling him into sleep. I kissed his shoulder, my breath coming out in quick puffs as I tried to keep it together.

I couldn’t. Not for long. My muscles strained, and I clenched my teeth to swallow my groan. I pulled out to the tip to watch my cum spray into his hole. He was going to fucking kill me. I’d been so certain earlier of what I needed to do: to put a stop to our relationship. I’d never turn him over to the police, but he would always think it was his duty to protect me, to remove anyone he thought was a threat. Then he’d entered the bedroom and looked so hurt at whatever he saw on my face, I’d caved in.

It was too late for me now. I was already all the way in, and once I admitted it, the way became clearer. He was a boy looking for guidance, and I would be his compass. It would be okay. It had to be.

My dick slipped out of him along with a trickle of cum. I used my thumb to push the substance back, and because I couldn’t resist, I pressed until I was knuckle deep inside him. I let out a sigh and removed my finger. What was it about this dangerously twisted boy that made me unable to stay away from him? Was it because he was so different with me?

I rolled over to my side of the bed. As if seeking my warmth, he followed me. I gathered him to my chest, sucking a deep breath when his lips found my nipple and he sucked the thick bud into his mouth. He sucked on it like a lamb pulling on a teat. Then his jaw went slack, and the pressure eased. His lips didn’t fall off, though. It should feel weird having him latched onto me like this, but I liked it. The way he sucked every now and then as if on instinct.

I woke up from sleep with a start. Sunlight streamed in through the window announcing a brand-new day. Damn, I had forgotten to set the alarm.

“Ari.” I reached across the bed for the boy, but the space beside me was empty. I rubbed my eyes. Why hadn’t he woken me up?

I hadn’t gotten quite enough sleep last night, and my body felt heavy. With a groan, I sat up in bed and grabbed my phone. Underneath lay a piece of paper. I unfolded it and read.

I wanted to wake you, but you sleep like the dead, so I decided to leave you be. I have to go out of town for a couple of days to meet with a fashion designer who wants to hire me. Fingers crossed it goes well for me. Can you get started on the house until I come back?

I immediately dialed his number. Why had he never mentioned this to me?

“Hey, Daddy, are you just waking up?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I should have set the alarm.”

“It’s okay. I don’t need an alarm. And you don’t have to worry. I didn’t bump into anyone on my way out.”

“Good. You weren’t so careful a couple of times before, and Tamryn’s seen you.”

“She has?”

“She didn’t recognize you.” He might get the crazy idea he had to take the woman out for being able to identify him. “Besides, Jackson thought she was seeing things.” I took a deep breath. “Why didn’t you tell me about your trip?”

He chuckled. “I planned to, but then we got sidetracked with all that talking and making love. I had a great time, Daddy.”

“Me too. You won’t get into any trouble on your trip, Ari.”

“Of course not. I promised you last night, and I won’t break that promise to you.”

“Good. When will you be back? I admit I’m still trying to wrap my head around the kind of work you do and how profitable it has been.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“Very. I just wish I understood it better.”

“Okay, I’ll let you in on that part of my life. How about that?”

“Yes. That’ll do. I want to know everything there is to know about you.”

“Are you sure about that? Even the terrible parts?”

“Even the terrible parts.” A flight announcement sounded in the background. “You’re at the airport?”

“Yes, I’m flying out to LA, but I’ll be back in a few days. Will you miss me?”

“Yes. I feel like we haven’t had the chance to settle down since you came back. It’s been one thing after another.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t go anywhere else after this. Promise. I’ll be around so often and demand so much little time that you’ll be sick of me.”